Sam Comen: The Longest Shift
©Sam Comen, Jennifer Alcantar, Cashier, Super A Foods grocery store, from The Longest Shift
Being here at the grocery store, we are front line.
Carol Erb: Small Wonders
©Carol Erb, Magic, from Small Wonders
My father took me to a magic show when I was young. I was not impressed. Even then I knew about trickery and deceit. -
Ned Walthall: Grand Central Terminal After
©Ned Walthall
A few weeks ago, I spent many days jurying the Light Exhibition for the A. Smith Gallery.
Debbie Miracolo: Imagined Moments from the Porch
©Debbie Miracolo, I used to float
Over the last year, I have seen and featured a variety of projects created during the pandemic.
Gail Albert Halaban: Out My Window
©Gail Albert Halaban, Berlin in collaboration with Leonard M.
Covid Projects: Bonnie Blake: Breakfast Project
©Bonnie Blake
We live in a culture of chronic inattention. With inattention, we miss the meal in front of us, the changing scenery, the open-hearted connection with the world.
Covid Projects: Safi Alia Shabaik: PIECES: a pandemic story of self
©Safi Alia Shabaik, 2020
During the pandemic, artist Safi Alia Shabaik created what, in some ways, is the perfect telling of our disconnection to ordinary life, our need to piece together
Covid Projects: Karen Constine: (un)real landscapes: Los Angeles plays itself
©Karen Constine, Covid LA, Day 57, 3:14pm
Los Angeles is a car culture, with land and cityscapes mostly seen through windshields, presenting as fleeting glimpses of place.
Covid Projects: Billy Hickey: How We Were
©Billy Hickey, Rob Hickey, 64, looks out the front door window as Alex Hickey, 23, lays on the couch in Arlington, MA., April 16, 2020.
Covid Projects: Covid Pictures
©Covid Pictures, Christian Bitwaiki, Goma, Congo
During the 2020 pandemic, when life was out of our control, restricted and confined, when we had to cope with shifted realities, many phot
Art in the Plague Year
©Bootsy Holler, 0429.
The Year of Not Knowing
In January 2020, when the world was blissfully unaware of the devastating global transformation that would impact every corner of our lives, a group of photographers met for a year-long mast