Art + Science: Nature and Nurture: Doug Eng
Broken – Maddox Rd, Marianna FL ©Doug Eng
It has been medically proven that when immersed within nature, one’s anger, fear and stress tends to melt away. Nature heals.
Art + Science: Nature and Nurture: Julie Fischer McCarter
©Julie Fischer McCarter
It has been medically proven that when immersed within nature, one’s anger, fear and stress tends to melt away. Nature heals.
Art + Science: Nature and Nurture: Howard Lewis
“Untitled 15″ from the Kinetic Solitude series, ©Howard Lewis 2020
It has been medically proven that when immersed within nature, one’s anger, fear and stress tends to melt
Art + Science: Lost Ground : Linda Alterwitz
©Linda Alterwitz, from the series Lost Ground
This week, our Art + Science Editor, Linda Alterwitz, shares the work of photographers making work about the phenomenon of Nature and Nurture
Facing Fire: Art, Wildfire, and the End of Nature in the New West
©Stuart Palley, El Portal Fire, Yosemite National Park, Dye sublimation print on aluminum 2014, Courtesy of the artist
Natural disasters are ever increasing with climate change, and in Ca
Anderson Wrangle: New Vistas: Photographers working with the Landscape
©Anderson Wrangle, Outer Banks #9, 30”x30”, archival inkjet print, 2019
The Outer Banks in North Carolina is considered to be a popular holiday destination, but it is also a place dee
Janet Pritchard: More than a River: the Connecticut River Watershed
©Janet Pritchard, Fourth Conn. Lake Trail, Canada-U.S.
David Benjamin Sherry: American Monuments
©David Benjamin Sherry, Moon over Gold Butte, Gold Butte National Monument, Nevada
Using analogue photographic methods, David Benjamin Sherry reexamines the classic tradition of landscape
Lynne Buchanan: Florida’s Changing Waters
Alum Bluff, Apalachicola River © Lynne Buchanan 2019
Lynne Buchanan began diligently photographing her native Florida’s waterways with the hope to create a record of her personal relati
This is Climate Change: Kirk Crippens, Sharon Harper, and Benjamin Dimmitt
©Kirk Crippens, Marina, Missael, Cesar, Carolina, and Miguel, Esther’s Avocado Tree
©Sharon Harper
©Benjamin DImmitt, An Unflinching Look
Museum Director James Pearson of the�
Debra Small: Habitat Lost: Negative Effects of Suburban Sprawl on Ecosystems
©Debra Small, Antigone Canadensis, Sandhill Crane
Projects featured over the next several days were selected from our most recent call-for-submissions.
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