Smith Galtney in Conversation with Douglas Breault
©Smith Galtney
Smith Galtney was first a writer, and then a photographer.
Jesse Rieser: Christmas In America: Happy Birthday, Jesus!
©Jesse Rieser, from Christmas in America
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
I have to admit that I’m not a religious person, but I’m all in when it comes to Christmas. -
Liz Albert and Shane VanOosterhout: Instant Classic
I was thrilled to see Liz Albert’s name on my line-up for the New England Portfolio Reviews as we had previously shared her project, Family Fictions and I am a fan of her work.
Jena Love: The Absurdity of Pregnancy and Motherhood
©Jena Love, Gender Reveal Party. Let’s have a party to celebrate my unborn baby’s genitals as decided by DNA.
Art + Science: The Pandemic: Neil Kramer
©2022 Neil Kramer
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the artists who were able to avoid severe illness or hospitalization were given a unique gift of time to respond to our world in a
Seth Johnson: Keep Those Bad Guys Out
©Seth Johnson
Projects featured this week were selected from our most recent call-for-submissions.
Now You See Me at Foto Relevance // Leonard Suryajaya
©Leonard Suryajaya, Bella
This week, I’m honored to feature six artists who I had the privilege of curating into the group show Now You See Me at Foto Relevance, in an effort to offer a
Now You See Me at Foto Relevance // Jennifer Ling Datchuk
©Jennifer Ling Datchuk, Money Honey
This week, I’m honored to feature six artists who I had the privilege of curating into the group show Now You See Me at Foto Relevance, in an effort
Now You See Me at Foto Relevance // Tommy Kha
©Tommy Kha, Constellations VIII
This week, I’m honored to feature six artists who I had the privilege of curating into the group show Now You See Me at Foto Relevance, in an effort to o
The States Project: New Hampshire: Nancy Grace Horton
@Nancy Grace Horton, from the MrMrs Series
I’m not sure when Nancy Grace Horton’s work first came on my radar, but I was immediately drawn to her humor, intimacy, sense of colo
Photographers on Photographers: Amanda Dahlgren on Nina Katchadourian
Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style, 2012. (“Seat Assignment” project, 2010–ongoing). Courtesy of the artist and Catharine Clark Gallery.
Peter B Leighton: Live Snakes
©Peter B Leighton, Live Snakes
Peter Brown Leighton is sort of a cross between a comedian and a magician, creating single image novelas that are at once off-kilter and humorous, allowing
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