Book Week: Andrew Beckham : Firmament
Andrew Beckham considers himself a visual poet, and I would have to agree with that conclusion. His new book, Firmament, released by George F.
Book Week: Adrain Chesser: The Return
I have long been a fan and champion of Adrain Chesser’s terrific work and I am thrilled that he has just released a book through Daylight Books, The Return, after a successful Kicksta
Book Week: Jen Davis: Eleven Years
Book Cover for Jen Davis’ Eleven Years published by Kehrer Verlag
Jen Davis has spent eleven years working on a series of self-portrait ’s dealing with issues regarding beauty, ide
Book Week: William Mebane and Martin Hyers: Empire
I have been a long time fan of the work by photographers Martin Hyers and William Mebane and had the great pleasure of attending a photo festival in China with William, so got to see first
Book Week: Interview with Jason Langer: Possession
Jason Langer has just released a new monograph, Possession, his second book from Nazraeli Press and it can be ordered through Nazraeli of through Jason’s site.
Book Week: Naruki Oshima: haptic green
Japanese photographer Naruki Oshima’s newest series and monograph, haptic green, brings nature into sharp focus. Kehrer Verlag has just released a monograph of this celebration of nature.
Book Week: Catherine Leutenegger: Kodak City
Publisher Kehrer Verlag has just released Kodak City by Swiss photographer Catherine Leutenegger with texts by A. D. Coleman, Catherine Leutenegger, Joerg Bader, and Urs Stahel.
Book Week: Charles Traub: Dolce Via: Italy in the 1980’s
What better way to get ready for the summer than to enjoy Charles H.
Ellen Kok: Cadets
In the school bus on the way to a Veterans Day service at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Left to right: Shawn Taylor, Forest Randall and Codi Amsden.
Betsy Karel: Conjuring Paradise
My friend Honey Lazar told me I needed to see Betsy Karel’s new book, Conjuring Paradise, recently published by Radius Books. And she was right.
Paul Kwiatkowski: And Every Day Was Overcast
Memories of childhood humanize us as adults. With age, our version of that time is deformed then reassembled.
Mariella Furrer: My Piece of Sky
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you–Maya Angelou
When I was about five years old, I was sexually abused by a stranger … The molestation could not ha
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