Radius Books: Artist Weekend 2023
Radius Book Weekend 2023, photo credit: Esha Chiocchio
Radius Books, a non-profit unique book publisher is known for their compelling books with extraordinary designs.
Nathan Rochefort: American Nature
©Nathan Rochefort, Erosion I. 2022
This week we are featuring projects seen at the Medium Photo Portfolio Reviews.
Photographers on Photographers: Barry Schwartz in Conversation with Jana Ašenbrennerová
Evicted from her home by in-laws for not giving birth to a son, Laxmi KC, 30, is a mother of four who grew up in a rural area of Nepal.
Photographers on Photographers: Barry Schwartz in Conversation with Jesse Burke
Bleachers. © Jesse Burke
Jesse Burke is a fine art, editorial, and advertising photographer based in Rhode Island.
Chris Engman: Prism
©Chris Engman Wave, 2022 36 x 48 inches pigment print courtesy of the artist and Luis de Jesus Los Angeles
As I read Chris Engman’s artist statement about his recent project Prism, I wa
2023 Month of Photography Denver Reviews
©From the Hip Photo, the 2023 Month of Photography Review room
Every two years, Denver becomes a photo destination filled with dozens of exhibitions, lectures, and opportunities through t
CENTER Environmental Award: Margeaux Walter – Don’t Be a Square
©Margeaux Walter, Backstage
Congratulations to Margeaux Walter for being selected for CENTER’s Environmental Award recognizing her project, Don’t Be a Square.
CENTER Launch Grant: Bremner Benedict – Hidden Waters, Arid Land Springs in the American West
©Bremner Benedict, Steel Pipe from Abandoned Trading Post on the Mormon Honeymoon Trail, Unnamed Spring, Navajo Nation, AZ
Congratulations to Bremner Benedict for being selected for CENTE
On Press: Sue Michlovitz: Breathe in Water
Sue Michlovitz: Breathe in Water, Photo by The Book Photographer
“People can experience the benefits of the water whether they’re near the ocean, a lake, river, swimming pool o
Ryan Arthurs in Conversation with Douglas Breault
©Ryan Arthurs, from the series “Strata”
Ryan Arthurs is an artist and gallerist from Buffalo, NY who understands the potential for photographs to capture the sensitivity and e
Earth Week: Ira Wagner: Houseraising
©Ira Wagner, Houseraising – Bay Head
The bodies of work that I will be sharing during Earth Week are linked by this thematic lens: making the often-invisible nature of the global climat
The Hand in Nature: Josh Hobson, Waveforms & Uncontained
©Josh Hobson, Augmented Landscape (After Irma) Archival Inkjet Prints, Pine, Lead, Dacron, 25″x20″ (each), 2019
The Hand in Nature: a week of photographs that manipulates how
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