Michael Honegger: The Need-to-Know
©Michael Honegger, Book Cover of The Need to Know/Blow Up Press
©Michael Honegger, The Need to Know/Blow Up Press
In the film Memento, the story line is like a puzzle where every scene
Robert Conrad: Memories of the Wall
©Robert Conrad, Pariser Platz, East Berlin with view to Brandenburg Gate and the Wall,1988
The fall of the Berlin Wall took place 30 years ago this month and when we step back to November
Gesche Würfel: What Remains of the Day – Memories of World War II
Gesche Würfel, Prisoners’ Barracks (Stalag X B Sandbostel Camp Memorial, Germany), 2015, Archival Pigment Print, 30 x 30” Stalag X B was a prisoner of war camp between 1939 and 1945.
Astrid Reischwitz: Stories from the Kitchen Table
©Astrid Reischwitz, Prickly
Astrid Reischwitz brought a well-crafted and conceptualized project on family, tradition, and memory to Photolucida.
Robert Schlaug
Robert Schlaug lives and works near Nueremberg, Germany. He has a simple intention with his photography: to raise awareness in times of sensory overload.
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