The Rfotofolio Fund and the Rfoto of the Month

Fifty Seven © Mitchell Hartman
For sometime now, the online site, Rfotofolio, has been part of the photography zeitgeist, offering up posts, articles and interviews about image makers whose work is innovative and artful. Though they have been regularly celebrating creative photography, Rfotofolio is expanding their purpose and programming. In an effort to develop the Rfotofolio Fund and give another resource to photographers, Rfotofolio is initiating the Rfoto of the Month program. Each month they will be featuring a different image or artist. The first offering is an image by Mitchell Hartman.
Rfoto of the Month will expand their mission of supporting photographers by featuring selected works from artists that have shared on These, in turn, will help photographers build sales and give the purchaser an opportunity to add a unique piece of art to their collection. It will also serve to support future Rfotofolio grants, shows, workshops, and other activities. “The purpose for Rfoto of the Month is to offer more exposure to the photographers, and to help in the funding of our first grant to a photographer in need (in 2015).”
In the words of Connie and Jerry Rosenthal: We know of many photographers that have lost their work space or equipment due to wild fires and hurricanes. And also photographers that have suffered from accidents or health issues that has had a serious impact on their ability to work as photographers. Rfotofolio was created so that we might help in some way. We have been self funded but to make this grant happen we seeking participation from sponsors and collectors of photography
Mitchell Hartman’s “FiftySeven” is part of the “Passengers” series; “Passengers” is a modern exploration of daily life in NYC using the traditional look of the Street Photography genre, and presents to the viewer what is unique about the city. The NYC subway system is—both actually and metaphorically—the nervous system of New York. For most New Yorkers, the transit system defines the contours of their lives: it knits together their daily parts, and conditions their sensibilities, with smiles, anguish, music listening, and queries of direction. Nowhere else in America do citizens spend so much time underground.
An interview with Rfotofolio founders, Connie and Jerry Rosenthal, follows:

Heart of Glass © Carolyn Hampton
I thought it was time to find out more….
There is a bit of mystery behind Rfotofolio.
Can you tell us about yourselves and what got you started writing about photography?
Well, we love photography. We are not involved in the art world in a traditional sense. We started Rfotofolio with the desire to show photographers work and to create a community of photographers. We show work from all different types of photographers. The ones whose work is known, the ones that are not household names, that may or may not be found in galleries or at the reviews, although many have been. We wanted to provide a vehicle for artists to show their work and get known.
We hope that Rfotofolio is a space where you can return and look over the galleries, videos, interviews, and books, a resource.

Reflecting © Elizabeth Opalenick
We also feature photographers who are making a difference in the world through their photography. There are so many wonderful photographers out there today we feel lucky to share their work. Also we like to share the innovators of our craft. There is so much to be learned.

Swan Woman © Fran Forman

Magnification ©Fran Forman
What are your goals for the site?
As we have gotten to know more and more photographers we have learned of photographers that have lost their workspaces, livelihood, or equipment due to acts of nature, theft, or though illness or accidents that have limited their ability to practice photography. So we decided that we would start the Rfotofolio grant. To help in a small way. That is when we decided to become a non-profit organization. We are also in the process of requesting 501(c)(3) status.
We hope to publish work in the future. Photography and books seem to go together. Not everyone can own a print, or see a show but almost everyone can have access to a book. It is wonderful to be able to pull from your shelf the work of Imogen Cunningham, Brett Weston, Bill Schwab, Beth Moon, Jane Fulton Alt, Wynn Bullock just to name a few. Opening these books its as if you are opening an exhibit within your own home, one that you can see at anytime and as often as you like.
We are also looking for a gallery where we can partner to have a show of the alumni of Rfotofolio, nothing beats seeing a print on the wall.
Rfotofolio has and is a learning experience for us. It is always evolving.

Color Light Abstraction ©Wynn Bullock
Are you drawn to a certain type of photography?
A well crafted image, the thoughtful use of light and composition. An image where you can hear the photographers voice. These attributes can’t be limited to one type of photography. A great image makes you want see it again, and often if you are a good viewer you will appreciate something new in the image. We hope we are helping people appreciate photography.

Geometry of Discord © Josephine Sacabo
Are you also photographers?
Yes, one of us longer than the other.
Tell us about your print of the month program…
The Rfoto of the Month will help expand our mission of supporting photographers by providing another avenue for sales and exposure.
A small percentage of the sale will help support future Rfotofolio grants, shows, published works, and other activities. We hope this will be a way for more people to start collecting photography.
Each R.O.M. that is purchased through will be signed by the photographer and identified if it is part of a limit edition by the photographer. The print size and price is up to the individual photographer. We are excited to be offering work from photographers Tami Bone, Mitchell Hartman, Chuck Davis to name a few.

Bayou Boy © Tami Bone

Bull Kelp Forest Dance #5, Big Sur © Chuck Davis

Bull Kelp, Bluefish Cove, Point Lobos © Chuck Davis
And finally, describe your perfect day!

Utopia 2 © Jennifer Schlesinger Hanson
Can’t describe just one. Having a day just to photograph. Getting a positive response from someone saying how much they love the work on the site. Getting positive feedback from photographers. Getting to know fellow photographers. Spending the day with family.

Odin’s Cove #9 © Beth Moon
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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