No matter where you live, Vote.
In order to create change, Vote.
To secure a better future for our children, Vote.
For the health of our planet. Vote.
In order to stop political extremism, Vote.
So you can complain with integrity, Vote.
To ensure a woman’s rights to choose, Vote.
To live in a country that celebrates all genders and sexuality choices, Vote.
To honor those in active duty, awaiting a return home to their nation of equality, justice, and freedom. Vote.
According to Abraham Lincoln, The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” so. Vote.
To honor the 3,000,000 U.S. citizens who gave their lives or have been wounded to protect the constitution that protects your right to self-determine your community, state, and nation, Vote.
Because silence gives consent. Vote.
To live in a country where it doesn’t matter who you love. Vote.
To keep assault weapons out of the hands of ordinary citizens, Vote.
To live in a country free of fear, hate, and tyranny, Vote.
Democracy only works when we all participate, so Vote.
Because a higher turnout makes our democracy more representative. Vote.
Because voting is a right generations of Americans struggled to win ― and people in other countries are still fighting for. so Vote.
To protect our National Parks, our water, our forests and oceans. Vote.
Voting is your voice. So use it. Vote
Thousands of immigrants and people from historically marginalized groups can’t vote. Voting is a privilege, and if you have it, you should use it. so Vote.
Thank you to Michael Mergen for creating this insightful project that allows us a glimpse into the flawed systems of casting our ballots.
Michael Mergen is an artist based in Farmville, VA. Born in 1978, Michael earned a BFA in photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2000 and an MFA in photography at the Rhode Island School of Design in 2011. His work considers the political and civic nature of United States and its citizens through the medium of photography. His work has been featured in The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s, Mother Jones, and featured on Time magazine’s LightBox and Slate. He has exhibited nationally and internationally and his work is held in several public and private collections, including the University of Maine Museum of Art, the Center for Photography at Woodstock, the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts, Urban Outfitters, Inc., and Center for Emerging Visual Artists. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Photography at Longwood University in
Farmville, VA, where he lives with his wife and daughter.
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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