Amrita Stützle: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Winner Honorable Mention
©Amrita Stützle
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Honorable Mention Winner, Amrita Stützle.
Leah Schretenthaler: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Winner Honorable Mention
©Leah Schretenthaler
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Honorable Mention Winner, Leah Schretenthaler.
Hannah Altman: The 2020 Student Prize Winner Honorable Mention
©Hannah Altman, Shabbos Candles, 2018.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Honorable Mention Winner, Hannah Altman.
Lindley Warren Mickunas: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Honorable Mention
©Lindley Warren Mickunas, Push/Pull, 2019 from Maternal Sheet
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Honorable Mention Winner, Lindley Warren Micku
William Camargo: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize Third Place Winner
©William Camargo
It is with so much pleasure that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize 3rd Place Winner, William Camargo.
Nadiya Nacorda: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize: 2nd Place Winner
©Nadiya Nacorda
It is with so much pleasure and excitement that we announce the 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize 2nd Place Winner, Nadiya Nacorda.
Raymond Thompson Jr: The 2020 Lenscratch Student Prize: 1st Place Winner
©Raymond Thompson Jr.
“I see my work as an act of resilience;
it is a way to begin a personal healing process that counteracts the impact of generational trauma.
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