Nate Palmer: On Domestic Life
©Nate Palmer, from Petworth
How one defines home is often dictated by scale. Home could refer to another person. Perhaps a friend, a family member, or romantic partner.
Gary Burnley: In the Language of My Captor
©Gary Burnley, Aunt Hagar’s Children #1, Courtesy of the Elizabeth Houston Gallery
The tradition of portraiture comes with it an obvious conceit–the subjects and their artists
Focus on Appropriation: Britland Tracy
© Britland Tracy, We’ll have to silence you permanently, 2020
Artists have been appropriating imagery for generations, taking source material from within their cultures and imparting ne
Art + Science: INSECTA: Kurt Caviezel
©Kurt Caviezel
Kurt Caviezel is a photographer based in Zurich.
Art + Science: INSECTA: Jo Whaley
Colias Eurydice ©Jo Whaley
“Like moths attracted to the light of a flame only to perish in that flight, I wonder if we, too, are tied to self-destruction through a drive toward greater
Art + Science: INSECTA: Mike & Doug Starn
©Mike and Doug Starn
“Light is power, knowledge, information, the triumph of science is discovery, rendering previous knowledge obsolete and antique.
Now You See Me at Foto Relevance // Jennifer Ling Datchuk
©Jennifer Ling Datchuk, Money Honey
This week, I’m honored to feature six artists who I had the privilege of curating into the group show Now You See Me at Foto Relevance, in an effort
Photographers on Photographers: Claudia Ruiz Gustafson in Conversation with Ana De Orbegoso
©Ana De Orbegoso, Saint Rosa of Lima, 2007
When Lenscratch contacted me to do an interview, I immediately thought of Ana De Orbegoso. Ana is also a Peruvian artist living in the USA.
Photographers on Photographers: Mercedes Jelinek in Conversation with Kris Graves
© Kris Graves, Murder of Michael Brown
Today we begin our Annual August effort, Photographers on Photographers, which features a stellar group of photographers in conversation with each o
Seeing Science by Marvin Heiferman
Seeing Science (Aperture, 2019)
“Science photography grounds us in the particulars of our earthly and extraterrestrial adventures, and astounds us when it reveals what lies beyond the pa
Elliot Ross: Plainsmen
©Elliot Ross
In Elliot Ross’s series, Plainsmen, we are called to the interior American West—a place which, from an outsider’s perspective, is generally romanticized and oversimplif
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