Panoptican Gallery and Harold Feinstein
Not many galleries can claim a 40 year history.
Yael Ben-Zion
Life leads us down many paths, some unexpected, and where we end up isn’t always where we set out to go. Yael Ben-Zion was born in Minneapolis, MN and raised in Israel.
Success Stories: Simone Lueck: Cuba TV
I guess one could call Simone Lueck lucky.
The Point by Kirk Crippens and Michael Jang
Somewhere in the virtual world, I came across The Point, a new Blurb book that is the collaborative effort of Kirk Crippens and Michael Jang.
Success Stories: Bruce Haley
A couple of years ago, I wrote this about Bruce Haley on Lenscratch:
Bruce Haley on his Nevada property, June 2011
“The world of Bruce Haley is not for the faint-hearted. -
Success Stories: Susan Burnstine
Today’s post is especially meaningful as I am celebrating a significant marker in a photographer’s journey.
My Grandmother’s Polaroids
The Silas Finch Foundation, a terrific non-profit arts organization founded in February 2009 and based in New York is the brainchild of Kevin Messina.
MIGRATION, Lost and Found in America
You might as well pour yourself a second cup of coffee as this post sends you on a photographic journey across America.
Robert Rutoed
Sometimes what’s right in front of us is far more interesting and absurd than anything a fimmaker or artist can create.
Judith Stenneken: Photography Book Now Winner
The Blurb book winners have just been announced and Judith Stenneken has won the $25,000 award with her book, Last Call.
Rose-Lynn Fisher
Next spring when nature is in full bloom, you will undoubtedly notice who is also benefiting from those floral displays, and Rose-Lynn Fisher’s amazing images will come to mind.
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