Fine Art Photography Daily

Fraction and Visura Magazines

A head’s up about the terrific new issues of Fraction Magazine, published by David Bram, and Visura Magazine, published by Adriana Teresa. There is something special about publications created by image makers.

Fraction’s Issue 12 is Achromatic, in other words, an issue filled with wonderful black and white projects. Noelle Swan Gilbert’s The Untitled Project, Isa Leshko’s Thrills and Chills, and Celine Wu’s, Presence in Between are some of the series featured in this new issue.

Image by Noelle Swan Gilbert

Image by Isa Leshko

Image by Celine Wu

Visura features photo essays by Lauren Greenfield (Deconstructing Fashion), Zed Nelson, (Love Me) and Jodi Bieber (Real Beauty) amongst others–all projects that are intriguing and engaging.

Image by Lauren Greenfield

Image by Jed Nelson

Image by Jodi Bieber, Claire

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