Fine Art Photography Daily

52 Editions

Franco-Angeleno, Arnaud Gregori, has created something new in the gallery world. 52, an online gallery, features a new photograph each week for a year–52 weeks, 52 editions. Our weekly goal: to demolish the misconception that collecting great photography is a privilege solely for the hoity-toity. We’re knocking it off its pedestal, and bringing it live, to your walls.

Paul Adams, First Light, First Day, Bonneville Raceway, Utah

Arnaud Gregori curates images that he finds worthy, no matter if the photographer is an amateur or professional. And he comes to his decisions with over 20 years of looking at photographs on a daily basis. Arnauld is the co-founder of Paris Photo Lab & Imaging in Los Angeles and a curator in his own right. His years of experience working with some of the world’s most renowned professional photographers gives him a rarefied eye.

Greg Mrotek
, Ricart’s Car Dealership, Columbus, Ohio, 2007

“We are constantly bombarded by slick images whose only purpose is to sell us more stuff, it is important for me to showcase honest photographs, which exist solely because they capture something beautiful… a landscape, an object, a moment.”

Kris Graves, East Hampton beach, New York, Winter 2007

The photographs sell in the $75 range, certainly affordable by any collector. “For Gregori, it’s more about the sharing and appreciation of art than making money.”

Meg Birnbaum, Trouble In Mind

Scott Patrick Wiener, Places I’ve slept (Bedroom Pieces), 2007

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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