The Favorite Photograph You Took in 2023 Exhibition, Part 10

©Deb Fong, Air Ballet, York, Maine Instagram: @deb_fong_photography

©Kevin B Jones, La Reina de Apartadó, Apartadó, Colombia Instagram: @kevinbjonesphotography

©Ellen Friedlander, Portrait of a Stand-Up Comedian, Los Angeles, CA

©Paula Stoeke, ill at ease, Santa Monica, CA Instagram: @paulastoeke

©Susan Sawyers, Nature Bridge on Miyajima Island, Hatsukaichi, Miyajima, Hiroshima, Japan

©Christopher Woods, In the Blue Forest, Chappell Hill, Texas

©Michael Young, Flannel Shower, June, Scarsdale, NY Instagram: @hiddenglances

©Egypt Robinson, Black Men in Music, Denver, Colorado

©Loren Nelson, Staircase, Tate Modern, London, UK

©Robin W Bailey, Boots Court, Carthage, MO

©Shaynna Rogers, Colorful Burano, Burano, Venice, Italy Instagram: @shaynnar

©Matt Lancaster, countervailing, 2023, Wet Mountains, Colorado

©Dineke Versluis, October, Beirut, Lebanon Instagram:

©Nadide Goksun, Zeynep, Bodrum, Turkey

©Jill Booker, Haven, Winnipeg, Canada Instagram: @prairiejill

©Jooeun Bae, Untitled, Seoul, South Korea

©Lidia Russell, Paths to One, Cape Cod, MA

©J Kee Eck, Boat on Lazaretto Creek, Chatham County, GA Instagram: @eckjkee

©Vicki Hunt, Sugar Shack, Virginia

©Pelin Guven, You are home -four, Mediterranean Sea Instagram: @pelinbg

©Joseph Maxwell, Boston Sightseeing, Boston, MA

©Garet Edwards, Untitled, Portsmouth, NH Instagram: @yourfriendgaret

©Victoria Nguyen, The Little Mermaid, Houston, TX Instagram: @vittorianguyen

©Mauro Curti, Scarecrow, Cuneo, Italy Instagram: @maurocurti_

©Elisabetta Cociani, Anita in my coat, Milano, Italy

©Leonardo Layton, Hurtle, Chicago, IL Instagram: @layton.leonardo

©Zsuzsanna Nagy, Elongated in the Setting Sun, Gyor, Hungary Instagram: @zzaphotoaday

©Sarah Giordani, Collateral Damage, Salt Lake City, UT

©Tania Rubiños, Hombre en peluquería, Yucatán, México Instagram: @tanrubinos

©MacKenzie Mercurio, Hier Soir, Lacoste, France Instagram: @mackenzie_mercurio

©Maru Fitzmaurice, Lolbé , Mérida, México Instagram: @marufitz

©Adrienne Villar, Encoded Memory, Kyle, TX Instagram: @villarphoto

©Kelly Ann Mitchell, Westward: Irresolute, Portland, OR Instagram: @tilted.frame

©Fred Deaton, Honey Locust Tree, New Hope, Al

©Marcia Getto, Time Travel, Madison, WI

©MaryAnn Camps, Commercial-Broadway Station, Vancouver, BC Instagram: @maryann.camps.artist

©Sergey Nazarov, Portrait of Ksenia, Tbilisi Instagram: @snazarovphoto

©Lucas Vanderborght, Blue, Savannah, GA

©Ilaria Fonda, Passing Through Living Things, Tampa, FL Instagram: @ilaria_fondaart

©Richard Provencio, Untitled, San Diego, CA

©Eva Kelety, Haruko Maeda, Vienna, Austria

©Emily Steinberger, Memories of summer in Copake, San Francisco, CA

©Scott Kaplan, I stole my neighbor’s dog and ate it for protein, Cambridge, MA

©Jesse Clark, Liberty, Sarasota Instagram: @jesseclarkart

©Kev Filmore, Brooch, Croton-on-Hudson, NY

©Gretchen Dorian, TP52s, Harbor Springs, MI

©Grace Puffer, Sure Jan, New York, NY

©Doris Fiedrich, Texas gate, Nicola Lake, BC Instagram: @doris.allegory

©Peter Wiarda, Rubble And Rise, Salt Lake City, UT Instagram: @peter_wiarda

©Emma Vitallo, Handmade Heirlooms, DeKalb, IL
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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