Fine Art Photography Daily

Honoring thy Mother and Father

There are a couple of days coming up that are ways of celebrating those who brought us into the world, or celebrating others who brought our children into the world, or celebrating those who guided us in some way: Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Last year on Lenscratch, we had our first exhibitions celebrating those persons, The 2011 Mother’s Day Exhibition and the The 2011 Father’s Day Exhibition.

If you are intersted in sharing something with us (and it’s a really inexpensive gift!),check out the Lenscratch Exhibition Opportunites. Feel free to submit an old family photo, and if you’d like up to three sentences about the person. Due dates are firm!

Submission Guidelines:
Image size: 72dpi at 1000px on the long side

Send name, title, location (where you captured the image), and link to your work (website or other)

Aline Smithson, The Red Rose, Los Angeles, CA (

In the subject of your e-mail, type the name of the exhibition (example:LOVE) and e-mail to:

If your images are sized incorrectly or the submission is incomplete, they will not be posted.

Submission Categories and Due Dates:

Image by Aline Smithson

Due Date: May 5th
MOTHER Exhibition to run on Mother’s Day, May 13th.
Photographs can be old family photos-all interpretations open…use this to create a wonderful Mother’s Day tribute! Feel free to add up to 3 sentences about your mother, grandmother or whoever you are showcasing.

Image by Aline Smithson

Due Date: June 10th
FATHER Exhibition to run on Father’s Day, June 17th.
Photographs can be old family photos-all interpretations open…use this to create a wonderful Father’s Day tribute! Feel free to add up to 3 sentences about your father, grandfather or whoever you are showcasing.

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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