The 2015 MASKS Exhibition Part III Revisited

©Charley Star, Satine with Mask, Los Angeles, CA

©Constance Brinkley, Baby Doll-1, Seattle, WA

©Bryan Regan, Gorilla Girl, Raleigh, NC

©Jone Vasaitis, Masks Beneath Masks, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

©Kathryn Nee Photography, The Clown Surgeon, Abandoned Hospital

©Gerry Giliberti, Faces, New Orleans, LA

©Scarlet Colsen, Yoko Frank, New Paltz, NY

©Sean Yseult, The Absinthe Party, New Orleans, LA

©Nicolae Vatra, Untitled, Mannheim

©Wallace Rollins,Halloween, Arlington, VA

©Barbara Groom, Carnivale, Genzano, Italy

©Mirel Torun, Untitled, Izmir, Turkey

©Florence Rodale,Tangled Soul,Barcelona, Spain

©Renae Osman, Masked Identity II, New Braunfels, TX

©Hannah Wahl, The Horde and the Harem, Seattle, WA

©Tine Guns, TEHOM, Belgium

©Alan Leder, Bowed And Up Braided, Evanston, IL

©Mark Kalan, Kittens, New York City, NY

©Janosch Boerckel, Role Model, Mainz, Bielefeld, Hamburg Germany

©Laurie Freitag, Ruins #33, Los Angeles, CA

©Brad Buckman, Harlow, Burbank, CA

Tomassco, untitled, Peterborough, UK

©Catharine Amato, Francesca, Arese, Italy

©Kathleen B. Donovan, Part-Time Monster, Dallas, TX

©Cindy Bendat, Guatemalan Sisters, Los Angeles, CA

©Parthena Charistea, Monaksia, Greece

©Andrew Feiler, Untitled, Atlanta, GA

©Yasmin Mazloom, Underneath The Veil, Boulder, CO

©Kelly Eckel, Remnants of War #2, Albuquerque, NM

©Matthew Crouch, Maschera (3), Houston, TX

©Aatjan Renders, Manifesto #01, Amsterdam

©Mildred Alpern, Blonde Bombshell, New York, NY

©Diane Cockerill, Spider Mask, Los Angeles, CA

©Sherry Day, In the Dark, Lady Lake, FL

Carol S. Dass, Alter Ego

Scott Keidong, Shoppers, Horse Head Mask, Glenville, NY

©Jumila Ashton, Tricycle of The Philippines, The Philippines

©hannah kozak, Iron Man, Los Angeles, CA

©Inès Berra Viola, Transformation, Berlin, Germany

©Mike Whiteley, Zombie Walk, Denver, CO

©Carol Schiraldi, Venetian Mask, Cedar Park, TX

©Kristina Syrchikova, The mimic, Novosibirsk, Russia

©Shari Yantra Marcacci, Lady with Mask, Los Angeles, CA

©Rebecca Moseman, White Mask, VA

©Nicholas Travers, Reveal Thy Eye, Portland, OR

©Warren Harold, Jack-O-Lantern Mask, Houston, TX

©Chris Malmberg, Untitled, York, PA

©Natasha Carlos, Incognito, Oakland, CA

Harvey Hanig, Homemade, Rosemont, IL

©Elizabeth Glorioso, Honey, Cleveland, OH

©Dmitry Muzalev, Untitled, Moscow, CA

©Alicja Brodowicz, Untitled, Bochnia, Poland

©Madhu Bhusal, The Submerged Lakhey, Adelaide, SA

©Ann Marie Tornabene, Fuseli’s Nightmare, Long Island, NY

©Daphne Dumoulin, Don’t leave me here / warm embrace, Meerssen, the Netherlands

©Ambrose + Wether, Bridle, New York, NY

©Melanie Walker, Revisited, Boulder, CO

©Robbie Kaye, Masked Man, Santa Monica, CA

©Federica Armstrong, Venice girl, Venice, Italy

Aline Smithson, The Plea, Los Angeles, CA
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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