Sharon Johnson Tennant: Detritus: Fragments of Untold Stories
©Sharon Johnson Tennant, Hat, from Detritus: Fragments of Untold Stories
“All photographs are memento mori.
Project XV: New Perspectives on Photography
©Ellen Friedlander, from Betrayal
Each year, I teach a year long Personal Project class at the Los Angeles Center of Photography where photographers continue with or create new bodies of
It’s Personal: Photography from the Inside at the Los Angeles Center of Photography
©Tracy L.
Fresh: 15 Photographers at the Los Angeles Center of Photography
©Miguel Angel Berjarano
One of my favorite classes that I teach at the Los Angeles Center of Photography is The Personal Project, a nine month class where photographers continue with or c
Sharon Tennant
Sometimes it’s what’s not in a photograph that makes it more powerful. Sharon Johnson-Tennant travels the world in search of things that are in plain site, but unobserved.
Sharon Johnson-Tennant
Los Angeles photographer, Sharon Johnson Tennant, discovered photography during her career as New York fashion designer, where visual inspirations came from exploring color, texture, and for
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