The 2021 Favorite Photograph Exhibition, Part 7

© Logan Z. Tansey, Summer Breeze, mixed media (photography, illustration), Dartmouth, MA IG @inkpoisoning.psd

©Mateo Ruiz Gonzalzez. Diamondback Rattle, Wilson, NC. IG: @mathewfg

©Madeleine Soich, Scead, Segovia, Spain, IG @madeleinesoich

©Hayley Sawyer, Whitney, Chattanooga, TN IG @haylsawyer

©Ashley Craig, Disco Mornings , Boston, MA IG @ashandheat

©Sarah Grethe, Ruth, Nussdorf, GER IG@sarahgrethe

©Ruby Cromer, Self-Portrait (Comparison of Male and Female Structure), Minneapolis, MN IG @rubycromerart

©Iris Grimm, Serratia Marcescens Flush 01, Boston, Ma IG @grimmbooks

©Carli Adby-Notley, MotherDaughter, London, UK @dear_womb, @carliadbyphoto

©Marna Slappendel, Stiletto pain, Amsterdam, IG @straatfotografie

©Jiwon Rhie, Rice Toenails, Brooklyn, NY, IG: @jiwon_rhie

©Lisa Donneson, Uprooted, Los Angeles, CA and Brooklyn, NY, IG @lisadonnesonphoto

©Elizabeth Calderone “Bed rot” from my series A House is a Body, A Body is a House New Brunswick, New Jersey IG @theangryphotographer

©Tali Nevo, The girl from nowhere, Romania IG: @tali_n_photography

© Anya Miroshnichenko, About father, Moscow IG @anyamiro/

©Phanuphan Kitsawaeng, Lady with Flowers, Los Angeles, CA IG: @markitsawaeng

©Mara Zaslove, Shrouded Beauty, Santa Monica, CA IG @marazaslove4

©Marcia Poloski, unfamiliar face, Nanjemoy, MD IG @tisimari

©Terrance Purdy Jr., A “Feeling” 2021, Analog Photograph, New York, NY IG: @Roninknows

©Kiera Jamison, Untitled , Houston, IG: @Kierajamison_

©Jaina Cipriano, Dissociation, Newton, MA @jainasphotography

©Grant Tuttle, The Mist, Columbia, SC IG: @granttuttlephotography

©Guy Geva, Here in my reflecting, Israel, Tzur Yitzhak IG: @guy_geva_art

©Michael Lynch, Punk in Chinatown

©Jamie Johnson, Punk Love, Los Angeles, California IG: @jamiejohnsonphotography/

©Juliana E Muchinyi, Controlled Chaos, Picture taken during the Dance in Frame Photowalk with Leica Camera team during Photoville Opening Day in Brooklyn September 18th 2021. Model was Lamont Richardson. IG: @aluche_events_

©claucebrian, Palmtree, Miami, Fl

©Lea Murphy, Crown of Summer, Kansas City, MO, IG:@leamurphy.kc

©DrTang, Angels of Death Santa Barbara, CA

©Karen Glenn, Two Plus One, Honolulu, HI, IG @karenjglenn

©Jennifer Cantwell, transformation, Penland, NC

©Luisa Hübner, untitled from the series “home alone”, Vienna, AT, IG

©Sama Beydoun, The Weird Weird Times, Beirut, Lebanon IG @sama.beirut

©Jesse Clark, “To You, From Me” , Sarasota, FL. IG: @jesseclarkart

© Measu Belay, Covid Compliance, Laurel, MD IG: @measubellay

©Joanna Madloch, Pink, NYC, NY IG: @joanna_madloch

©Steve Owens Photography, “Eve’s Apples”, Roanoke, Va.

©Sophie Horgan, Blue Eyed Woman, Eau Claire, WI ,

©Gabi Magaly, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, IG: @gabimagaly

© Anastasia Egorova, In search, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, IG @airfayka

©Kris Julien, Lincoln Park, Brooklyn New York IG: @lyricleroux

©Maire Murphy, And you’re the star, Paris, France, IG: @maireainemedia
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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