The Favorite Photograph You Took in 2023 Exhibition, Part 9

©Taylor Hedrick, Of the Same Brush, Rockport, ME

©Maureen Minehan, Dial Up, Washington, DC

©Veronica Gray, The Master Forger, Tokyo, Japan Instagram: @veronica.m.gray

©Josh Williams, path, Hamilton County In, Instagram: @jwwph

©Jane Waggoner Deschner, “from the soldier&sibs series (cicada)”, Billings, MT

©Marisa Chafetz, Lola’s Bruise, Rockaway Beach, NY

©Charlez Malasaña, Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night, Tucson, AZ Instagram: @charlezmalasana

©Tracy Walker, Abduction, Uxbridge ON Canada

©Madasyn Andrews, Dan and Rocco, Philadelphia, PA Instagram: @oxymor.on

©Stan Banos, Jesus H., San Francisco, CA

©Kellie O’Donnell, Alarm Clock, Hood River, OR Instagram: @kellieodphoto

©Tyler Rosebush, Untitled (Kiss), New Orleans, LA Instagram: @tylerrosebush

©Adolfo T. Arellano, Red Poppies, Salt Lake City. UT Instagram: @fofos.ok

©Julia Komarova, Fallen, Santa Barbara, CA Instagram: @art.jlens

©Samuel Andrade, Octagon, La Mesa, CA Instagram: @samuelonethree

©Zixi Xia, Gaze, Guiyang, China Instagram: @zixixia_photoart

©Blayne Macauley, She Can Fly, Lake Tahoe, CA Instagram: @blayne_art

©Marylise Vigneau, Portrait of a Crane Driver, Semey, Kazakhzstan

©Karla Cruz, Red Bird, Cancun, Mexico Instagram: @karla_artee

©Geralyn Shukwit, O Movimento de Luta nos Bairros, Salvador, Bahia

©Sarah Fuller, Full Moon Over FNAR Road, Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB, Canada

©Matt Henry, The Tourist, Sussex, UK

©Michael Rababy, fanelli cafe, New York, 2023 Instagram: @fullonrad

©Sigrid Debusschere, Another Perspective, Pisa

©Faustinus Deraet, Intoxicated #66, Antwerp, Belgium Instagram: @faustinus

©ALE DRAGONI, RAVENNA, ITALY Instagram: @aledragoni_

©David Price, Homestead, Wingfield, KS Instagram: @polomutt

©Julia Larberg, Sam and Syl in their home, Tivoli, NY

©Larry S. Clark, Bucked, Molalla, Oregon

©Judith Donath, Rush Hour, Boston, MA Instagram:

©Theresa Afcha, Blueprint 2, Miami, FL Instagram: @old___film

©Ember Skirsky, Between the Houses, Savannah, GA Instagram: @emberskirsky

©Clara DeWeese, Rejane Shaving Her Head and Watching her Infant, Butte, MT Instagram: @clara666deweese

©Karen Elizabeth Baker, Felicity, Felicity, CA

©Kelly Sinclair, Equinox, Woodstock, NY

©Greg Neumaier, NY, NY

©Laurie McCormick, Life in Ireland, Dublin

©Saulo Taveira, Verso de mim 01, Nova Friburgo, RJ Instagram: @saulo_oluas13

©Rocio Ledezma, Traffic, McAllen, Tx Instagram: @r.esme_hdz

©CB Adams, Put To Rest, St. Louis, MO

©Grant Westhoff, End of the World Destination, Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA Instagram: @grantwesthoff

©Rachel Feinstein, Well Look at What She was Wearing, NY, NY

©Nora Benjamin, My Eyes Get Dark When I’m Tired, Chicago, IL Instagram: @nxravisuals

©Heidi Kirkpatrick, Wait for Me, Portland, OR Instagram: @hlkgram

©Lisa Murray, In Deep, Melbourne, Australia Instagram: @lisamurrayphotos

©Patricia Lay-Dorsey, Winter Ice, Grosse Pointe, MI Instagram: @patricialaydorsey

©Antonio Chinea, Ghosts, Caracas, Venezuela Instagram: @axnonim

©Alanna Floreck, Flight Tracker, South Island, New Zealand Instagram: @alannafloreck

©Mike Whiteley, Skeleton, Lincoln, NE Instagram: @mgwhiteley

©Siyabonga Vilakazi, uKunisela (Watering), Johannesburg, GP
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
Stephen Marc: Street Cat Tales and Tangled TimesFebruary 17th, 2025
All About Zines: February IssueFebruary 16th, 2025
The I Love L.A. Exhibition, Part 3February 14th, 2025
The I Love L.A. Exhibition, Part 4February 14th, 2025