Jessica Todd Harper
This week I am featuring a selection of Critical Mass portfolios that were stand-outs in my very subjective opinion. There are numerous others that have already been featured on Lenscratch.
Elizabeth Fleming
Elizabeth Fleming’s wonderful series, Life is a Series of Small Moments, reminds me of work by great story tellers where inconsequential events layer to make a rich tapestry of a life
Father’s Day: Doud DuBois and Phillip Toledano
When I think about honoring father’s, the first two photographers that come to mind are Doug DuBois and Phillip Toledano.
Suzette Bross
I find Chicago photographer, Suzette Bross’s, wonderful point of view on pregnancy so timely, with two friends about ready to pop at any minute.
Christy Karpinski
This week I am continuing to feature photographers that are editors, gallerists, or bloggers, yet manage to maintain their own vision.
Klompching Gallery, Renate Aller, and Elaine Duigenan
I visited the neighborhood of DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) in Brooklyn yesterday, and was especially happy to get to 111 Front Street, a building chock-a-block with galle
Mary Farmilant
I recieved a newsletter from Mary Farmilant, and I was glad to become more familiar with her work. She has several terrific series. The two I am featuring are Hospital and Could You Please.
Blake Andrews
There are reality shows and then there are shows of reality. Blake Andrews shares his world in such a real way and brings us along for the chaotic, exhausting, messy, and humorous ride.
Paul Anthony Melado: The Difficulties of Being
I was curious about an image featured in an ad in the back of Black & White magazine. Really, it was his title that got me: The Difficulties of Being.
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