Ed Freeman
Tonight Ed Freeman is opening an exhibition of his award-winning series, Desert Realty at 945 Chung King Road in downtown Los Angeles.
Ellie Brown
I remember once cleaning out my purse, when my children were young, and thinking that I was lucky no one wanted to see the contents: a black banana, all forms of trash, small trucks, a rubb
William Wylie
I recently stopped by Hous Projects in Los Angeles, to see the terrific exhibition by William Wylie, Carrara.
James Griffioen
As with Tim Hyde’s work that showcases nature reclaiming itself, James Griffioen’s series, Feral Houses, speaks to a lost neighborhood that is also being reclaimed by nature.
Thomas Locke Hobbs
California born photographer, Thomas Locke Hobbs, lives in Argentina and has come to photography with a background in economics.
Philippe Spigolon
French photographer, Philippe Spigolon lives in a small town in France, doesn’t travel much, but uses his daily walk to his hospital job to find a universe of wonder.
Rizwan Mirza
I met London photographer, Rizwan Mirza, several months ago.
Kelly Flynn
Kelly Flynn looks at the world around her and captures communities on the verge of transition, whether it be photographing firework stands in Texas, houses in Miami, or graffiti in the stree
Nataly Rader
Nataly Rader has had a life that allows her to see the world in a unique way.
ToBernd /YourHilla
I was recently asked to participate in an interesting project, ToBernd /YourHilla, along with 8 other photography blogs around the globe.
Leon Foggitt
British photographer, Leon Foggitt, has a natural affinity for capturing something unique in his portraits: truth, simplicity, and spot-on timing.
Mark Indig
This week I am featuring photographers that have current exhibitions or upcoming exhibitions.
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