Fine Art Photography Daily

A Second Gaze: Favorites From Past Lenscratch Exhibitions


@Maureen Bond, Our Common Path to Light, Mojave Desert, CA, @maureenbond (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo  Exhibition)

“Exhibitions offer a form of theatre.” — Liz Wells
From Photography Curation, Criticism, An Anthology (Routledge 2024)

Looking back at a photograph welcomes an old image into a new chapter of our lives. From this new vantage point, we can notice things we originally didn’t, awaken thoughts that were dormant, and see things from perspectives we couldn’t access. Flowing through this collection’s narrative are moments of quiet beauty and compositional simplicity that captivated us. Featuring the works of 30 artists previously exhibited in Lenscratch’s Favorite Photographs exhibition series, the photographs in this showcase were at a moment in time somebody’s favorite and now, they’re someone else’s. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

A Second Gaze: Favorites From Past Lenscratch Exhibitions

Angelika Kollin, Benjamin Dimmitt, Beth Chucker, Bootsy Holler, Carolina Krieger, Felix Chadwick-Histed, Filippo Barbero, Francisco Gonzalez Camacho, Gerasimos Platanas, Heidi Kirkpatrick, Hope Kahn, Jeff Mark Leavitt, Jane Waggoner Deschner, Jill Bemis, Jon Feinstein, Judi Iranyi, Karen Bullock, Kym Ghee, Linda Plunkett, M. Apparition, Maureen Bond, Marylise Vigneau, Natalie Obermaier, Nora Benjamin, Reese Frances, Samantha Jade, Shelagh Howard, Teri Figliuzzi, Zixi Xia, Zsuzsanna Nagy.


©Zsuzsanna Nagy, Winter Butterflies, State College, PA IG: @zzaphotoaday (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

© Felix Chadwick-Histed, Queen of The Fells, Wrynose Pass, Cumbria  (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

© Felix Chadwick-Histed, Queen of The Fells, Wrynose Pass, Cumbria (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

khym gee 1of1

©Kym Ghee, 3 Sisters, Los Angeles, CA Instagram @kym_ghee (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Jill Bemis, Seth (Rock Collections), Somerville, MA, @jillbemis.jpeg (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Filippo Barbero, From my ongoing project “Borderland”, 2022 – Italy, @filippo_barbero_ (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


@Carolina Krieger, Nostalgia for the Glade, Camboriú, Brazil. @carolinafoeskrieger (originally featured in The 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Benjamin Dimmitt, Firefly, Fairview, NC @benjamin_dimmitt_photography


©Linda Plunkett A Gathering Stillness #8 Toyobo Print on Washi Dublin, Ireland @lindapplunkett (originally featured in The 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Francisco Gonzalez Camacho, A drop of silence, Åland , Finland @franciscongonzalezphoto (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Hope Kahn, Murmur, Cherry Hill, New Jersey @hopekahnphotography (originally featured in The 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Natalie Obermaier, Vibration, Topanga, CA Instagram: @kobramaier (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Angelika Kollin, Hold me ’till I go, Cape Town IG: @angelikakollin (originally featured in The 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

Fine Art Series

©Bootsy Holler, 0817.2043-South Beach, San Juan Island, WA iG @bootsyholler (originally featured in The 2020 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Judi Iranyi, Calla lily, San Francisco, CA (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition)



©Teri Figliuzzi, Promise, New York, NY, IG @terifigliuzzi Process: Lumen print on vintage Kodak RC paper (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Karen Bullock, I am not ready for you to go, Alabama, @karenbpix (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

©M. Apparition, Lifelines 4-2-19-2, New York, NY

©M. Apparition, Lifelines 4-2-19-2, New York, NY (originally featured in the 2019 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


©Samantha Jade, Bacillus Swam #1, Sydney, Australia. @ ___samanthajade___ (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


© Beth Chucker, Jack, Eleven. (part of)Last Nineteen, Washington, DC and Montclair, NJ @bethchuchuckerphoto (originally featured in The 2024 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Nora Benjamin, My Eyes Get Dark When I’m Tired, Chicago, IL Instagram: @nxravisuals (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Jane Waggoner Deschner, “Cross-stitched Woman.2,” Billings, MT (originally featured in The 2022 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Gerasimos Platanas, Self Portrait IG@gerasimos_platanas (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Reese Frances, Threadbare, Bozeman, MT. @reese._.frances (originally featured in The 2024 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Shelagh Howard, No one will ever love you like I do, Toronto, ON, Canada. @shelaghhowardart (originally featured in The 2024 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Jeff Mark Leavitt, Phantom Pain, silver gelatin, Los Angeles, CA IG: @jeffmarkleavitt (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Zixi Xia, Gaze, Guiyang, China Instagram: @zixixia_photoart (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

Havana, Cuba, 15/02/2022 Evelyn Corvea is a Cuban actress and dissident. That day, she had just filled up her visa application for Spain and looking back, this time spent on a rooftop overlooking Havana looks like a melancholic farewell to a city she loves but has become suffocating. "I was born in a country where the possibility of finding oneself outside "The Revolution", outside the dream of a man named Fidel, is tiny. As children, they uniform us, they teach us that we must integrate into the mass and vanish into it. I have an intense need to exist as an individual. Therefore political, religious or any other indoctrination is intolerable for me.  Every time I perform in a play, it is a ritual of liberation. I enjoy experiencing myself doing what is forbidden, mocking authority, leaders, and ideals. I undress, I run, I scream. These little illegal moments allow me to touch the essence of being alive. They are what made me want to be an actress"

©Marylise Vigneau, Portrait of Evelyn Corvea Before Exile, Havana, Cuba (originally featured in The 2021 Favorite Photo Exhibition) Havana, Cuba, 15/02/2022 Evelyn Corvea is a Cuban actress and dissident. That day, she had just filled up her visa application for Spain and looking back, this time spent on a rooftop overlooking Havana looks like a melancholic farewell to a city she loves but has become suffocating. “I was born in a country where the possibility of finding oneself outside “The Revolution”, outside the dream of a man named Fidel, is tiny. As children, they uniform us, they teach us that we must integrate into the mass and vanish into it. I have an intense need to exist as an individual. Therefore political, religious or any other indoctrination is intolerable for me. Every time I perform in a play, it is a ritual of liberation. I enjoy experiencing myself doing what is forbidden, mocking authority, leaders, and ideals. I undress, I run, I scream. These little illegal moments allow me to touch the essence of being alive. They are what made me want to be an actress”


© Jon Feinstein, Yahrzeit (for Alisa), Seattle, @jonfeinstein (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)


©Heidi Kirkpatrick, Wait for Me, Portland, OR Instagram: @hlkgram (originally featured in The 2023 Favorite Photo Exhibition)

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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