Fine Art Photography Daily

A Second Gaze: Favorites from Past Lenscratch Exhibitions | The Portraits Edition

©Michael Joseph, Sasha, New Orleans, LA @michaeljosephphoto

©Michael Joseph, Sasha, New Orleans, LA @michaeljosephphoto (Originally published in the 2020 Favorite Photograph Exhibition)

We all have found ourselves caught in that serendipitous moment when an old face becomes a new one. This unexpected and, at times, unsettling sight — changed by the passing of time and the happenings of life — reminds us that nothing in life is certain but our steady dissolution into oblivion. Like silver atoms, we are bound to change and eventually yellow, wither, and decay.

The 20 talented photographers presented in this retrospective exhibition take us close to infinity — that illusory state of timelessness that we’ve all felt looking deeply into one another, and that only the most attentive photographers can conjure.

As you take a second look at these faces, we beckon you to reminisce: Is there someone in your life you haven’t seen in a while who you ought to reconnect with? And what could you rediscover if you let that chance encounter happen?

We hope you enjoy this selection of images as much as we did re-encounetring them.

Looking Back: Favorites from Past Lenscratch Exhibitions | The Portraits Edition

Agnieszka Nowacka-Witczak, Aletheia Casey, Aline Smithson, Akshay Shah, Angelika Kollin, Abu Hanif, Aggelos Barai, Cassie Dawn Dawson, Filippo Barbero, Ionut Cirja, Judi Iranyi, Josiah Gill, Julie Sundberg, Leah DeVun, Mara Zaslove, Michael Joseph, Neil Kramer, Pablo Fanque’s Fair, Rohina Hoffman, Veronika Verbitskaia

behind the curtain ©Aline Smithson, Little Miss Blue Eyes, Massachusetts

©Aline Smithson, Little Miss Blue Eyes, Massachusetts (Originally featured in the 2019 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


©Rohina Hoffman,Twins, Los Angeles, CA, @rohinaphoto (originally featured in the 2/2/22 exhibition)

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©Cassie Dawn Dawson, matching keychains matching everythings, Knoxville, TN @waitingondawn (originally featured in the 2/2/22 exhibition)



©Pablo Fanque’s Fair, El otro – el mismo, Yaroslavl, Russia @pablofanques_fair (originally featured in the 2/2/22 exhibition)

©Aletheia Casey, My mother, father and son.

©Aletheia Casey, My mother, father and son. (originally featured in the MOTHER exhibition)


©Aggelos Barai, The Flower of Wishes, Albania, @aggelos_barai (originally featured in the 2022 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


© Filippo Barbero, the street painter, Florence (Italy), @filippo_barbero_ (originally featured in the Favorite Photograph exhibition)

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©Josiah Gill, Jennifer Ogle, Fayetteville, AR. @josiahlgill (originally published in the 2024 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


©Abu Hanif, Loneliness, Narayanganj Rail Station, Narayanganj, Bangladesh

©Abu Hanif, Loneliness, Narayanganj Rail Station, Narayanganj, Bangladesh (originally featured in the 2019 Favorite Photo exhibition)

©Akshay Shah, Shubha Maa, Kalaburgi, India

©Akshay Shah, Shubha Maa, Kalaburgi, India (originally featured in the MOTHER exhibition)


©Judi Iranyi, Margo, Budapest, Hungary (originally featured in the 2018 Favorite Photograhp exhibition)

©Ionut Cirja, Zack, Morecambe, UK (originally featured in the 2019 Favorite Photograph exhibition)

©Ionut Cirja, Zack, Morecambe, UK (originally featured in the 2019 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


©Neil Kramer, Mom, Queens, NY (originally featured in the MOTHER exhibition)


©Leah DeVun, Bleaching Hair, Brooklyn, New York, @ldevun (originally featured in the Favorite Photograph exhibition)

©Veronika Verbitskaia, Renaissance, Lucan, Ireland, @viverbitskaia

©Veronika Verbitskaia, Renaissance, Lucan, Ireland, @viverbitskaia (originally published in the 2024 Favorite Photograph exhibition)


©Agnieszka Nowacka-Witczak, Mother, Warsaw, Poland (originally featured in the MOTHER exhibition)


©Angelika Kollin, Trust, Plett in South Africa, IG @angelikakollin

© Julie Sundberg, Desert Song, Broken Hill, Australia and Adelaide, Australia

© Julie Sundberg, Desert Song, Broken Hill, Australia and Adelaide, Australia (originally published in the MOTHER exhibition)


@Mara Zaslove, Parts of a Whole, Santa Monica, CA (originally featured in the 2024 Favorite Photograph exhibition)

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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