Joy Christiansen Erb: Portrait of a Mother
exploring work focusing on family this week….
Amanda James: Fragile Chaos
Amanda James‘ title for the project featured today is Fragile Chaos–a title that might aptly describe life in general.
Adam Krause: The Market Hotel
New York photographer Adam Krause has been documenting a special hotel in Brooklyn that is facing closure–not unlike the Chelsea Hotel across the bridge.
Todd A. Stewart: First Light, Last Day of Summer
Todd Stewart created a wonderful series, The Garden, that explores his children’s relationship to the natural world and today’s post is an extension of that exploration.
Patty Carroll: Anonymous Women: Draped
I have to admit it, I’ve always felt that the burka, though constricting, might be the perfect solution to aging/and or weight gain.
Charles Rozier: House Music
©Charles Rozier
I featured the work of Charles Rozier some time ago on Lenscratch, so I was delighted when he sat down at my table at Photolucida.
Hye-Ryoung Min: Yeonsoo
Earlier this year, I selected the above image for an Honorable Mention in The Family Exhibition at the Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography.
Kathleen Laraia McLaughlin: Romania Week
This week I am handing the reigns over to a long time friend, Kathleen Laraia McLaughlin. I met Kathleen at my first Review Santa Fe and we have remained close ever since.
Kristy Carpenter: 2013 LENSCRATCH Student Prize 2nd Place Winner
post presented by Grant Gill
I am very happy to present Kristy Carpenter as our second place winner for the 2013 Lenscratch Student Prize.
Photolucida: Rubi Lebovitch: Home Sweet Home
Today’s post is part of several weeks dedicated to work seen at Photolucida…
When I see work that has an intelligent sense of humor and whimsy I get excited as the photographi
Bruce Hall: Jack Knows Water
This week, Lenscratch explores the work of 4 fathers interpreting life with their Autistic sons…
Bruce Hall is a legally blind photographer, teacher, and Autism advocate.
Dan Younger: Some Kids
Never before have so many fine art and documentary photographers turned their lenses on the world within the confines of their own front door.
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