Caleb Charland
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.
Kevin Cooley
When I asked my friend J.Wesley Brown to suggest some night photographers for a power point I was creating, he recommended the work of Kevin Cooley.
Stephen Wilkes
Photographer Stephen Wilkes really understands New York City.
Eleonora Ronconi
The first photograph I discovered from Eleonora Ronconi’s Once Upon a Time project was the one featured below.
Vicki DaSilva
Pennsylvania photographer, Vicki DaSilva has been working with light since the 1980’s and recently opened a solo exhibition of her light graffiti work at Able Fine Art in New York City
Beau Comeaux
New York photographer, by way of Texas and Louisiana, Beau Comeaux, manages to make the ordinary into imagined realities. His new exhibition, Implied Fictions, opens at the B.
Bear Kirkpatrick
I guess it’s appropriate when your first name is Bear, that you would make photographs about our relationship to the natural world.
Jeff Mclane
I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately and one of the treats of air travel is to fly into Los Angeles at night.
Christopher Thomas
German photographer, Christopher Thomas, travels the globe creating work for international publications, but he has managed to stay in New York City long enough to create a wonderful body of
Lucia Herrero
Spanish photographer, Lucia Herrero, has a wonderful exhibition, Tribes, at Galeria Tagomago in Barcelona on display through April 9th.
BJ Formento was born in Honolulu, and his wife, Richeille, was born in London.
Jonathan Smith
Looking at exhibitions currently on view in New York…
Jonathan Smith’s terrific exhibition at Rick Wester Fine Art has been extended into the new year.
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