Fine Art Photography Daily

Competitions Revisted

For some reason, I wasn’t devastated by the news that I didn’t make the final Critical Mass cut. Maybe it was just a good day or maybe it’s because I think that sometimes one has to fail. I wouldn’t exactly call this failing, but more like not making the cut. If we succeed at everything, we become numb to that too. So not making the cut calls for reexamination, reevaluation, and thoughtful inner discussion. And the acknowledgement that photographers are making some pretty terrific and thought-provoking work these days.

Cara Phillip’s wonderful blog, Ground Glass, had a particularly interesting post yesterday on Portfolio Reviews. I thought the advice by Eric Percher (wait* + shoot**) was right on target:
“Time at reviews is time not shooting-maybe this is obvious but sometimes it seems that we have all gone review crazy. Some of the best advice I got in Santa Fe: “don’t become a regular on the review circuit”.

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