Naohiro Maeda: Where the Wild Things Are
©Naohiro Maeda, Untitled, 2023
I first came across Naohiro Maeda’s work when they were selected as a Finalist for the Klompching FRESH competition.
Adam Ottavi: The States Project: Alaska
©Adam Ottavi
Alaskan Editor Ben Huff shares the work of Adam Ottavi
Adam Otttavi was the first photographer I met in Fairbanks in 2005.
Ryota Kajita: The States Project: Alaska
©Ryota Kajita
Alaskan Guest Editor Ben Huff share the work of Ryota Kajita
Kaji and I moved to Fairbanks around the same time, and it seemed to me then, that I often heard people talk abo -
Chris Miller: The States Project: Alaska
©Chris Miller, Taku, 2012
Alaskan Guest Editor Ben Huff shares the work of Chris Miller
Chris Miller is all business.
Brian Adams: The States Project: Alaska
©Brian Adams, The Chukchi Sea, Kivalina, Alaska, 2007
Alaska Guest Editor Ben Huff shares the work of Brian Adams
I first became aware of Brian Adams when I was living in Fairbanks, as -
Dennis Witmer: The States Project: Alaska
©Dennis Witmer
Alaskan Guest Editor Ben Huff shares the work of Dennis Witmer
I first met Dennis Witmer after a few months in Fairbanks in 2005.
Ben Huff: The States Project: Alaska
It is with great pleasure that we launch the LENSCRATCH States Project, beginning with the state of Alaska and the wonderful Alaskan Guest Editor, photographer Ben Huff.
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