Ben Marcin: Structures
©Ben Marcin, Kreeger Museum
Photographer Ben Marcin has had a long legacy of considering architecture–his projects Last House Standing, The Camps and Out West reflect a variety of p
Robert Dawson: Public Library Project
©Robert Dawson, Abandoned library in abandoned town, Jeffrey City, WY 2012, Jeffrey City is a former uranium mining boomtown located in the central part of Wyoming.
Jason Reblando: New Deal Utopias
©Jason Reblando, Cover for New Deal Utopias
Jason Reblando has spent much of his practice considering place, space, and architecture.
CENTER’s Project Launch Winner: Johnny Miller
©Johnny Miller, Alex Casey Park, The organic, round shape of the shacks stands in a defensive position next to the wealthier suburb next to it.
Joana P. Cardozo: Blueprints
©Joana P. Cardozo, Self-Portrait
Joana P. Cardozo brought a project to Photolucida that was a creative and fresh look at portraiture.
Larry Torno: Transitory Light and Spirit
©Larry Torno, Basketball One
For many decades photographer Larry Torno has been considering what’s inside a frame…the frame of a page, the frame of an advertisement, the frame
Thomas Kellner: Black and White
© VG BildKunst Bonn und Thomas Kellner 02#05, Paris, Tour Eiffel, 1997
Who would have thought that so much wonder could still be created with straight photographs in a time given to digi
Andrew Feiler: Without Regard to Sex, Race, or Color
©Andrew Feiler, School Bell – Fountain Hall
Andrew Feiler’s project Without Regard to Sex, Race, or Color is a visual of account of what remains within the confines of Morris Brow
Jade Doskow: Lost Utopias
Architectural and landscape photographer Jade Doskow has always been fascinated by architecture that has outlived its original purpose.
Marc Yankus: The Secret Lives of Buildings
©Marc Yankus, Flatiron Building
ClampArt opens it’s shiny new doors in its brand new location (247 West 29th Street, Ground Floor, New York City) to the exhibition, Marc Yankus: The
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