Rebecca Martinez: preTenders
I’ve been a long time fan of Rebecca Martinez’s work, first her capture of mannequins in Beauty Challenged, and now her three part series on the sub-culture of life-like babies
Jennifer Kaczmarek
Florida photographer, Jennifer Kaczmarek, has a natural affinity for capturing the essence of a child.
Canteen Magazine’s Naked Judging: Jessica Eve Rattner
Congratulations to Jessica Eve Rattner for her 1st Runner Up win in Canteen Magazine’s Naked Judging contest. To be honest, I thought this body of work should have won.
Nancy Borowick: Cancer Family
New York photographer, Nancy Borowick’s bio states that she is a humanitarian photographer.
Canteen Magazine’s Naked Judging: Learning from Rejection, Part 1
Today’s and tomorrow’s posts are not-to-be-missed in terms of learning what jurors look for when determining winners.
Rachel Cox: Shiny Ghost
I had the good fortune of meeting Rachel Cox at the SW Regional SPE conference and got to spend time with her poignant, powerful, and personal work.
CENTER’s 2012 Excellence in Teaching Award: Stephan Hillerbrand
“On our first day back to class, Stephan puts on an episode of the French Chef with Julia Child. We watch as she makes an awkward attempt to flip her potato pancake.
I’ll Be Your Mirror curated by Jennifer Shaw
I’ve done a lot of writing and thinking about the idea of photographing family. Never has the photo landscape been so rich with the genre of looking at family.
Blake Odgen: Summer Re Runs
Looking at a post that originally ran in 2009…..
Louisa Marie Summer: Jennifer’s Family
Some photographers do the hard work.
Cynthia Henebry: Waking State
Most of us think back to our childhoods with an idealized perspective .
Boston Week: Stephen DiRado
While I am enjoying the Focus Awards hosted by the Griffin Museum and the Flash Forward Festival hosted by the Magenta Foundation in Boston this week, I am re-running some earlier posts abou
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