Rachel Wolfe: Bound By Water
Rachel Wolfe has a new project and book, Bound by Water that interprets Japanese stories told over time as a way to remember history, real or imagined.
Japan Week: Michiko Makino: Toyko Kingyo
This week Guest Editor, Yochi Nagata, shares work of contemporary Japanese photographers…
Photographer Michiko Makino was born in Gunma, Japan and has been exhibiting in Japan and i
Japan Week: Masaki Hirano: Money
This week Guest Editor, Yoichi Nagata, shares work of contemporary Japanese photographers…
5 billion Papiermark bill, Weimar Republic (Germany), 1923 — The Weimar Republic, wh
Japan Week: Mao Ishikawa: Here’s What the Japanese Flag Means to Me
©Mao Ishikawa, Ms.
Japan Week: Kazuo Yoshida: Air Blue
This week Guest Editor, Yoichi Nagata, shares work of contemporary Japanese photographers…
©Kazuo Yoshida, AirBlue22
This week, I am thrilled to have friend, photographer and Editor
Tsutomu Yamagata: Thirteen Orphans
Yesterday, I met an old lady at side of lotus pond and talked for two hours. She went to the front line as a nurse during World War II and saw incredibly hideous scenes almost every day.
Julia Fullerton-Batten: Tokyo
Shimo Supermarket, 2013 from Tokyo
Julia Fullerton-Batten is a fine art and editorial photographer who began her career by creating staged portraits of adolescent females captured througho
Aaron Hobson: The Tōhoku Project
My good friend Aaron Hobson, The Cinemascapist, was recently in Los Angeles, where he was working on a film.
Life-Support Japan
We are a community that has been able to harness the power of the Internet, social networking, and amazing goodwill to create remarkable things.
David Favrod: 2010 Aperture Prize Winner
Aperture announced the 2010 Portfolio Prize winners last week and David Favrod took top honors for his series Gaijin.
Norihisa Hosaka
This week Lenscratch is looking at some of the top 50 portfolios from Critical Mass….
Sky Bergman
The Artist’s Gallery is a co-operative gallery located amidst a cluster of galleries in Bergamot Station, in Santa Monica, CA.
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