Fine Art Photography Daily

PhotoNOLA: Dennis Church

This week I am sharing more work seen at PhotoNOLA

Dennis Church has a unique way of seeing.  He views the world with a technicolor sensibility, but also takes visual chaos and layered planes of perception and flattens them. The results make for a two dimensional sensation. After going through his images a number of times, I always find something new and something more to explore. The image below is a perfect representation of his appreciation for color.  This image is about RGB colors–plus his fine tuned ability to see color and put it into context.

Born in Iowa, Dennis lived and grew up on a family farm in Mitchell County, Iowa until he attended Iowa State University. He later attended The University of Wisconsin-Madison to study psychology and he began his interest in photography. He was so moved by the power of the medium that he left graduate school to pursue his artistic goals.  Dennis was a freelance photographer for 20 years, working on assignment for local, regional and national magazines, advertising and public relations firms. After some time away from photography, Dennis is back at it with a passion. His work has been featured in numerous exhibitions. He lives in Bonita Springs, Florida.

Dennis currently has a significant exhibition, Florida Moments, on display at the Sidney and Bernice Davis Art Center in Fort Meyers, Florida.  The work is on exhibition through January 25th.

I simply enjoy the act of looking at things without judgement and experiencing them in the moment. This is not automatically pleasure, but leads to a serenity, an acceptance. My exploration of the world, often literally in my back yard, and teaches me who I am and what is my authentic self. In my photographs, there is an attitude about time and contemplation of phenomenological reality. My insistent exploration and experimentation with traditional and invented pictorial devices creates various visual events and visual languages — based on my mood, the light, my equipment, and where I am in the universe.

Images from Americolor

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