Fine Art Photography Daily

Fabio Moscatelli: Dogs of War

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A mixed-breed dog in the rain

Through the miracles of email and the internet and Instagram, I became aware of Fabio Moscatelli’s photographs and they have touched my heart. I first saw the work about Gioele, a young man in Italy who, at the age of 18, had “aged out” of the diagnosis of autism. You can see that series here:  If you follow Fabio on Instagram, you will also see his love of animals and pets. Fabio has documented the dogs living and working in an earthquake zone in Italy.

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© Fabio Moscatelli, An Australian Shepherd watches over the flock returning to the sheepfold

Dogs Of War is a tale dedicated to dogs who continue to live and work after surviving the earthquake that hit most of central regions of Italy in 2016. I have loved animals since I was a child but it was only during adulthood when my dream of taking care of a dog finally came true. On January 3rd 2009 Kalel entered my life bringing a touch of magic. Exactly a year later, on the same date my daughter Syria was born. This project is for Kalel, who can do magic and for all dogs that give and expect nothing in return. —Fabio Moscatelli

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A Maremma Shepherd frightened by the rumble of thunder

Fabio Moscatelli was born in Rome, where he currently lives and works. He graduated at the Roma School of Photography and Cinema and over the years he has specialized in social reporting and intimate storytelling, often focusing on people and stories at the margins of society.
Some of his published works are:
The Last Exit (2016)
Nostos (2020), a journey in my childhood done through revisiting the areas of central Italy affected by a major earthquake six years ago.
Gioele, il mondo fuori (2021), featuring Gioele, a young boy on the autism spectrum, with whom I have been collaborating closely for the past few years.
Il Pranzo della domenica, a project to the memory of my maternal grandmother, that will be published as a fanzine.

Follow Fabio on Instagram: @fabio74.moscatelli

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© Fabio Moscatelli, Shepherd dogs are already at work from the crack of dawn

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A Maremma Shepherd rests, in the background the ruins of Castelluccio di Norcia

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© Fabio Moscatelli, Maremma paw stamped on muddy ground

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© Fabio Moscatelli, Maremma Shepherd puppies on the Castelluccio plain

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A dog camouflages itself among the sheep

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A Border Collie on the snowy plain of Castelluccio

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© Fabio Moscatelli, Caravans are often used as storage for agricultural stocks

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A small mixed breed watches over one of the oldest stables in Norcia

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© Fabio Moscatelli, Puppies of Caucasian shepherds drink where water can be found

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© Fabio Moscatelli, A Maremma shepherd rests beside a puddle of rainwater

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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