The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition

©2025 William Karl Valentine, Homeowner, Altadena, CA. @williamkarlvalentine
Recently, Los Angeles has been through its own kind of hell, but the city is filled with wonderful people who are trying to make a difference and support those who have lost so much. Today is our love letter to Los Angeles. A few years ago, Kris Graves Projects published my book, LOST Los Angeles and here is the essay I wrote to go along with it:
I’ve never gotten lost in Los Angeles, guided by the mountains to the north, the coastline to the west and the OZ-like downtown to the east, but I almost lost the city when I moved to New York and claimed I would never return. Fifteen years later, I begrudging took up residence amongst the ubiquitous blue skies and palm trees, slowly falling in love again with the mariachi low rider tattooed Kangol hat gold toothed hip-hop east side movie loving foodie hipsters west side workout women saggy pant skater riding residents with faces from every part of the globe gripping the steering wheel next to me illuminated by the cinematic eye-squinting golden klieg- like light that casts a spotlight on everything from the mundane to the sublime and makes me happy to live in this city of dreams.
Thank you to everyone who submitted and thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser.
Happy Valentine’s Day….with love and appreciation.

© Kristen Rutherford, Between Two Palms, Los Angeles, CA. @kristonian

©JPVisual Photography, Sunset Over LA, Los Angeles, CA. @jeanpierrelaphoto

©Brandon Nesbitt, LA Nights, Los Angeles, CA, @imagesbybrandon

©Miguel Rodriguez, DTLA Sunset from 6 St Bridge, Los Angeles, CA. @silent_observers

©Tremeika Small, I Love LA, Los Angeles, CA. @treybabee

©Irina Popa, Bird’s Eye View, Downtown Los Angeles, CA

©Nina Menconi, This Way LA, Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, CA.

© Jeremy Ackman, Hollywood, Los Angeles,CA @ackj17

© Karineh Gurjian, Hollywood Reflections, Los Angeles, @karinehnyc_fineart

©Stella S Lee, Backlot, Los Angeles, CA. @stella_see_stella_shoot

©Kylo-Patrick Hart, Hollywood Home, Los Angeles, CA. @hartkylo

© Lisa Kereszi, Star Maps, Los Angeles, CA @lrkur

©Rohina Hoffman, Oscar, Los Angeles, CA @rohinaphoto

©Aline Smithson, Godzilla Star, Hollywood, CA @alinesmithson

©Kristianne Riddle, Sibling Love, 34.1014° N, 118.3399° W @kristiannephotographs

©CandaceBiggerstaff, Summertime, Hollywood,CA @candacebiggerstaff,

©Bernd Reinhardt, Hollywood, CA. @bernd.reinhardt

©Nancy Kaye, She Loves LA, Hollywood, CA, @nancykayephotography

©Eric Davidove, Lions in Hollywood, Hollywood CA, @edovephotos

©Jennifer Fox Armour, Peg on Parade, West Hollywood, CA @Jen_eration_x

©Beth Dubber, Ms Malibu Pageant Contestants, Malibu, CA @bethdubberphotography

©Molly Peters, David, Hollywood, CA, @hazardpeters

©Nadine Levin,Aveage Day on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,Los Angeles,@nlevin68

©David Herman, Waiting for Balloon, Hollywood, CA

©Mara Zaslove, Alley Find in LA, Los Angeles, CA. @marazaslove4

©Laurie Blakeslee, Los Feliz, Los Angeles, CA @lblakesl

©Stephanie Salay, Freedom, Venice Beach, CA. @szalay_at_large

©Jean Ross, Homage, Los Angeles, CA @jeanmross

©Jen Greenwood, Day of the Dead, Los Angeles, CA. @jengreenwoodcreative

©Lori Pond, Familia, Hollywood Forever Cemetery, CA @loriapond

© Sara Swaty, Stop The Raids, Downtown Los Angeles, CA, @sara_swaty

©Mimi Haddon, Mao and Abriel: Temescal Canyon, Los Angeles, CA. @mimihaddon

©Mark Hammer, Untitled, Los Angeles Flower District, @lunescope

© Daniela Dawson, Witches of Altadena (at Palawoo). Altadena, CA. @indigo_violet

©Paul Karns, Barnsdall Golden Hour, Los Angeles, CA. @paulkarnsphotography

©Stephan Jahanshahi, Western View From Barnsdall Park Jan. 8th, Barnsdall Park, @stephanjahanshahi

© Sarah O’Neil, Watching Los Angelenos, Ernest E. Debs Regional Park, @sarahoneil___

©Les Schmidt, Inspiration, Runyon Canyon, Los Angeles, CA.

©Michael McFadden, Untitled (Reyna), Los Angeles, CA. @mcfaddenphoto

©Rio Asch Phoenix, River Pushups, Los Angeles, CA @rioaschphoenix

©Michael Dolan, LA River Joyride, Los Angeles, CA. @hysterical.panic

© Maya Wali Richardson, LA River Egret, Los Angeles CA, @mayawalirichardson

© Morgan Mueller,Paddle Boarders on the San Gabriel River, Los Angeles, CA., @_morgan_______
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
TOP #20 Cyanotypes: BotanicalsMarch 15th, 2025
Amitis Motevalli at East Window GalleryMarch 7th, 2025
Beyond the Photograph: Crafting Effective Exhibition and Publication ProposalsFebruary 27th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. ExhibitionFebruary 14th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2February 14th, 2025