The 2020 Self-Quarantining Exhibition, Part 2

©Ryan Walter Wagner, The Golden Ticket, Vancouver, B

© Jens Kristian Balle, Toilet Paper, Vancouver, BC, Canada Instagram: @ballephot

©Clément Douillet, Frog Eggs, Le Sappey en Chartreuse, France, @clementdouillet_/

©Jay Kolsch, David’s Hands, Statesville, NC

©Michael P. Amato, Self Portrait from Approximately 6 ft, Middletown, Connecticut @mike__amato

©Kamilla Earlywine, Social Status: Angel Soft, Payson, UT @kamillaearlywine

©Jo Ann Chaus, Hazmat, NJ

©Abbi Chase, Family Quarantine, Chicago, IL

©Aaron Chapman, Ben & Jessie, Gold Coast, Australia @aaronmchapman

©Natalya Reznik, Family portrait at the balcony, Germany

©Sara King, For Your Protection, Linden,TN

©Michael Honegger, Two Masks, Nice, France

©Steven Benson, “Social Distance”, Houston, Texas 2020

©Peter Lančarič, Dystopian Fashion, 2020, Záhorie, Slovakia

©Shaoshuai Chen Street cleaners during the epidemic,Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, China

©Ulysse Daessle, Life with a mask, Tirano, ITALY, @ulyssedaessle

©Melanie Einzig New York, NY

©Nolan Streitberger, Safety First, Albany, Oregon

© Serena Severini, Mask Transit, Boston, MA

©Tom Fry, “March 17th, 2020″, Chicago, IL

©Ray Pandanii, My Quarantine, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Elizaveta Ponomarenko is a photographer who is currently working in Saint-Petersburg under the name of ‘Ray Pandanii’.)

@ClaudiaCebrian,Invisible Monster, Miami,Fl

©Lori Pond, Surgical Mask, Los Angeles, CA

©Heather Evans Smith, Corona, Chapel Hill, NC

©Kevin Hoth, Cell, Boulder, CO

©Jonas Yip, The Limited Circle is Pure #StayHome, Los Angeles, CA

©Bar Faber, Untitled, Tel Aviv

©Lilly McElroy, Things From My Floor That Stuck To My Hand, Lawrence, KS

©Corey Durbin, Stay, Brooklyn, NY. @lurkling

©Gina Costa, Self-Quarantining, Chicago, Il @gcosta9

©Kathleen Y. Clark, Detox #1, Glendale, CA

©Regan Kenny, To All The Surfaces I’ve Neglected, Portland, ME @reganekenny

©Nicole Heligman, Stuck, Tampa, FL

©Hannah Naomi Fulton, COVID-19 Dutch Still Life, Many, Louisiana

© Leon Syfrit, Madonna with Child, Las Vegas, NV @eonsyfrit

©Liz Celeste, Limitations of the ordinary, Santa Cruz, CA

©Kathleen Hawkes, Nesting, Winona, MN @hawkkate

© Renee Romero , The Last Roll, San Diego CA . @re_eromero

©Zachary P. Stephens, The End, New Hampshire

©Taylor McCormick,Tales of a Toilet Paper Hoarder, Long Island, NY

©Sally Ann Field, TP, Los Angeles, CA @sallyannfield

©Wayne Swanson, A Beautiful Wall, San Diego, CA

©Renee Greenlee, Can You Spare a Square?, Burlington, VT @rbgphoto

©Erica Kelly Martin, The Virus 1, Los Angeles, CA

© Henry Keith, Two-Ply, Los Angeles, CA

©Jian Cui, Rolls of Virus, Glendora, CA

©Janine Machiedo, …waiting for better times, Rheinhausen, Germany, @janine_machiedo_photography/

©Monica Orozco, “Love in the Time of Coronavirus”, Los Angeles @demonicaphoto “Love in the Time of CoronaVirus” This girl gotz the goods. I finally got on Tinder. It’s all about timing, right?? 🤣😂🤪 Thursday evening, March 19. Governor Newson Issues Statewide ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order; Projects 56% of Californians Could Get Coronavirus.

© Kat Tarbet, Social Distancing, Jacksonville, Fl

©Russ Rowland, Dinner for 1, New York City, NY

©Paul Kessel, “Hypochondriacal Flare Up”, New York,NY

©Vala Kjarval, Spring Break 2020, NYC @valakjarval

©Elijah Howe, Comfort, Eureka, California @elijahhowephoto

©Austin Sane, Dinner Date, Carbondale, IL @austinsane

©Rachel Smith, Panic Buying Chicago, IL @phantompapersphoto

©Viktoriia Tymonova, wash your hands/don’t wash your hands, Dnipro, Ukraine The pandemic is making my OCD and anxiety worse. For years I’ve been trying to convince myself that I should calm down, that there are no reasons to worry. But now I need to wash my hands more often and in a more compulsive way, so that I have cracks and wounds on my skin.

©Alexandros Lambrovassilis, Self-Grooming, Greece

© T.J. Kirkpatrick, Keeping Up Appearances, Washington, D.C.

©Patrick Morton, Quarantine Afternoon, Denver, CO

© Duncan Madaris Hill, Half Empty, Washington, DC

©Brian Van de Wetering, Glass Half Empty, San Diego, CA

©Thomas James Parrish, Choc-Piling, London, UK, @thomasjamesparrish

©Todd Bradley, Second Refrigerator, San Diego, CA

©Traer Scott, Bounty, Providence, RI @traer_scott

©Liu Liu, Quarantined Duck Recipe, Chicago, IL

©RebeccaPalmer, Day One, Los Altos, CA

©Patricia Sandler, Still Life with Tangerines and Lysol, Los Angeles, CA

©Todd A Stuart, Making Due, Oxford,OH @toddastuart

©Lisa McCord, Socially Distant Birthday Celebration, Pacific Palisades, CA @lisamccord

©Bob Shonkoff, Pandemic Prep Still Life, Danville, CA @bobshonkoff

©Bonnie Blake, Playmates, Los Angeles, CA @bonniesblake

©Jenn Wood, Contemplating Bread, North Adams, MA @jennwoodart

©Ashley Kaye and Robert P Gordon, Milk and Honey, Personal Protective Equipment (Corona Time), Fayetteville, AR @mindofmilkandhoney

©Joan Benney, The Mask ( working title ), San Francisco, CA @j_benney/

©Lenny Gilmore, Reality Bubble, Batavia, IL

©2020, Count Constantin aka thirsting.owl, i got this, Seattle, WA.

©J. K. Lavin, The Devil is in the Details, Venice, CA

©Vicki Reed, Quarantive Eyes, Cedarburg, WI

©Jesse Lee Vargas-Colucci, Love in the time of Covid, Costa Mesa, CA

©Nikhail Asnani, Handwash Light Portrait, Los Angeles, CA

©Michael Pointer, What!?!,Wichita, KS

© Robert Nielsen, Remember, Carmel Valley, CA
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
Stephen Marc: Street Cat Tales and Tangled TimesFebruary 17th, 2025
All About Zines: February IssueFebruary 16th, 2025
The I Love L.A. Exhibition, Part 3February 14th, 2025
The I Love L.A. Exhibition, Part 4February 14th, 2025