The 2016 Let’s Talk Politics Exhibition

©Yvette Meltzer, Money Talks, Evanston, IL
The countdown to Election Day has begun for most of us, and while voter’s fatigue has truly seeped its way into our everyday, this election is proving to be one of the most important. In my shameless effort to utilize Lenscratch as a platform, my message for our final days is quite simple — Just vote. Vote early if you can, register if it is still possible, and make the genuine effort to wait patiently at the polls the day of. Regardless of the stigma and the scandals that this election has had, our nation will be making a historical change on November 8th. The question is will you be apart of this change?

©Paul Calhoun, Islamic Refugee, Milwaukee, WI

©Russ Rowland, We Will Not Be Silent, New York, NY

©Patricia Sandler, Justice, Los Angeles, CA

©Mildred Alpern, Armageddon, New York, NY

©Kalvino Coria, The American Dream Y2K16 [self-portrait], Los Angeles, CA

©Beth Maier, Donald, Carmel, IN

©Sheri Lynn Behr, NoMatterWhere, Chicago-9, Chicago, IL

©Eric Ingram, Gazes at Eric Garner Protest, Staten Island, NY

©Juan Fernandez, Overcoming, Aurora, IL

©Benjamin Leaf, Trump Rally Exit, Chicago, IL

©Mikayla Whitmore, “I moved on her and I failed.”, Las Vegas, NV

©Thilo Rohländer, Lullaby, Iquique, Chile

©Jonathan Alcorn, Senator Bernie Sanders – End of Primary Season, Santa Monica, CA

©Maian Tran, Not Trump, Los Angeles, CA

©Johnny Nguyen, Anti-Trump Rally, San Diego, CA

©Ruben Natal- San Miguel, “Trump Brooklyn Headquarters” (Neptune Fleabag Hotel) 2016, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY

©Yannick Délen, Presidential shoes, Arles

©Noelle Swan Gilbert, Hope, Election Day, 2008, Los Angeles, CA

©Ivan Santiago, Cardboard Reagan, Miami, FL

©Robin Alysha Clemens, Owned By No One, The Netherlands

©Kristina Smith, from Night Journey, 100 days, Dallas, TX

©Kip Praslowicz, Bernie Sanders Rally Selfie, Duluth, MN

©Jim McKinniss,Total Recall #5, Santa Maria, CA

©Krysia Lukkason, Vote Quimby, Edinburgh, Scotland, CA

©Valery Rizzo, Fuk Wall St, Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY

©RK Wallen, Trump Sign Stolen, St Peters, PA

©Mark Kuhnke, Hillary Clinton walking out to speak, Greensboro, NC

©james morton, untitled, Philadelphia, PA

©Michael Kirchoff, Revolution, Volgograd, Russia

©Michael Dillow, Flag Hat, Lake Worth, FL

©Virginia Bulacio, Bernie Sanders Rally for Prop 61 outside the American Federation of Musicians Local 47 in Los Angeles, on Friday Oct. 14, 2016., Los Angeles, CA

©️Alex John Gilbey, 99% in Times Square, New York, NY

©Gregory Drew, Abortion Protestor, San Antonio, TX

©Mark Caceres, Media Circus 2016, Ames, Iowa

©Karen Cohen, M.Y.O.B. Berlin, Germany

©Maureen Haldeman, Word on the Street, Los Angeles, CA

©Carolyn Carlino, August 3, 2013, Wilton, ME

©Todd Bradley, Circus Barker, San diego, CA

©Harvey Hanig, Blago in the Mud, North Aurora, IL

©Salar Niknafs, Cycle of Poverty, Bangkok, Thailand

©Adrienne Defendi, Crossing the Line, Redwood City, CA

©Scott Herndon, A House Divided, Washington, DC

©Robin Tryloff, Revolucion, Chicago, IL

©Vicki Hunt, GOP Alabama, Prattville, AL
![Travelling to Sweden? [...] Be aware that you have to show photo ID at Copenhagen Airport.](
©Sigfrid Lundberg, The noblest part of humans are their passports, Copenhagen central, Denmark

©Ruslan Smirnov, Victory Day!, Red Square, Moscow

©Alex Djordjevic, A Trump House, Mainline, PA

©Jeff Wiles, Shadow of power, Harrisburg, PA

©Carl Shubs, Street Encounters, Los Angeles, CA

©Paul Matzner, Can’t Let Go of the Past, Milwaukee, WI

©Jolanta Mazur, Cross Purposes. US Presidential Election 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

©Maro Verli, Aung San Suu Kyi -Challenge for a new era,Myanmar, Yangon

©Jerry Downs, This sewer looks familiar., New York City, NY

©Val Patterson, Glass Ceiling, Las Vegas, NV

©Grant Gill, untitled, Milwaukee, WI
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
Amitis Motevalli at East Window GalleryMarch 7th, 2025
Beyond the Photograph: Crafting Effective Exhibition and Publication ProposalsFebruary 27th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. ExhibitionFebruary 14th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2February 14th, 2025
Melissa Kreider: WorthyFebruary 10th, 2025