Ghost Stories Exhibition

©Faustinus Deraet, Poison Ivy, Antwerp, Belgium. @faustinus
Today we’re celebrating spooky season with our Ghost Stories exhibition. I appreciated seeing such varied interpretations of the theme in the work submitted, and I’m so happy to share them all with you. Enjoy!

©Zeeshan Ali, The Alien, Karachi, Pakistan. @zeshane100

©Soledad Borches, Days 2020, Buenos Aires, Argentina. @soleborches

©Maia K. Huddleston, Spirit Portrait #1, Edwardsville, IL. @maiakphoto

©Law Hamilton, Reading to the Dead, Salem, MA. @law_hamilton

©Anne Berry, Chapelle du Diable (Devil’s chapel), Ploumanac’H, France. @a_n_n_e_b_e_r_r_y

©Dafna Steinberg, Ghost Story, The Reading Hotel, Chattanooga, TN. @dafnasteinbergart

©Beau Devereaux, Last Time I Saw Them, Tucson, AZ. @beau.devereaux

©Jake Benzinger, tabitha in the attic, Rockland, ME. @jake_benzinger

©Berta Viteri, Funeral for a Horse, Spain. @laletrab

©Eva Deming, Feeling Blue, Long Island, NY. @evaafilm

©Leanne Trivett S., Who Dini self portrait, San Sebastian, Spain. @Leannerockstar

©Mara Zaslove, Spooked, Santa Monica, CA. @marazaslove4

©Sylwia Ciszewska-Peciak, Panda Ghost, West Bromwich,UK. @matka_journal

©Terri Golas, Time Traveler, Santa Fe, NM. @terrigolas

©Richard S. Chow, Midnight Shadow, Crystal Cove, CA. @richardschow

©Erica Kelly Martin, Julia Coming Down the Stairs, La Napoule, France. @EricaKellyMartin

©Clair Robins, The Reconstructed Orchid Collection, UK. @clairscollections

©Carolyn Knorr, Ghost Dance, Madison, WI. @carolynknorr

©Paola Tornambè, Split, Sicily, Italy. @paola_tornambe

©Loretta Ayeroff, Ghost (JoAnn Callis), Culver City, CA.

©Bryant Swindle, The Cedar Tree Shrine, Salt Lake City, UT. @bryant.swindle

©Nigel Baldacchino, 1966, Heidelberg (DE). @nigelbaldacchino

©Sarah Persson, Graveyard Shift, Västerås, Sweden. @xfamiliarspiritsx

©Andrew Bailey, Untitled (Self Portrait), Somerville, MA. @abphoto15

©Amber Lee Williams, Mother, Ontario, Canada.

©Alexa Cushing, Rainy Night at Assawompsett Pond, Lakeville MA. @alexacushing

©Adam Thorman, Creatures Found, Muir Woods, CA. @adamethor

©Jesus Rios Cozzetto, Sounds in the twilight. @cozzeto

©John Gullak, Jobsite Apparition, Berkeley, CA. @mutantme

©James Benoit, Giovanni in the Rosslyn Escalator, Hopeville, WV. @gutterslush

©Paul O’Neill, From the Woods Near the North Christian Church, Columbus, Indiana. @marlbordeaux

©Shannon Maltbie-Davis, Spirits, Basehor, KS. @s.maltbiedavis

©Linda Plaisted, Through A Glass Darkly, Frederick, MD. @themanymuses

©Candace Biggerstaff, Waiting, Highway 97, Oregon. @candacebiggerstaff

©Marilyn Canning, Halloween Skeleton, Paris. @marilyncanningphotos

©Carlos León, Molly doll walks, México

©Carly McCoy, Untitled, Des Moines, IA. @carlyxmccoy

@Carolina Krieger, Nostalgia for the Glade, Camboriú, Brazil. @carolinafoeskrieger

©Carsten Horn, Disturbing Domestic Peace, Berlin, Germany. @carst_horn

©Cat Marcogliese, Natural Histories: Dentex dentex, Natural History Museum, Venice, Italy. @cathymarc0

©Henry Crawley, The Big One, Brooklyn, NY. @maybeitshenry

©Dana Langlois, Grave Lessons (living in a graveyard), Bethel Graveyard, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. @langloisdana

©Daniel Frost, i was lost but then through the mist there appeared an edifice, Wirral, UK. @danfrost

©David Symons, The Doorway, Tasmania, Australia. @sym0nster

@Denise Taylor, Pointing Clown, Lee Vining CA. @denisetaylor

©Diane Fenster, Apparition #2, Pacifica, CA. @dianefenster

@Sai Srikar hari, Dreams of my lost home, Mumbai, India. @srikar_hari

©Dustin Nguyen, Ghost Kid, Bloomington, IN. @dustinnguyenar

©Eleni Markopoulos, Monkey Business, Oxford, UK. @markopouloseleni

©Beatrice Calastrini, Elusive ghosts, Tuscany. @Flowersbeatrice

©Eric Davidove, October Surprise, San Francisco. @edovephotos

©Giuseppe Francavilla, Fish out of water, Rome. @giuseppe_francavilla

©Alexa Frangos, Worry Doll, Chicago, IL. @alexafrangos

©Jordan Funk, Spirited Away, Denton, TX. @jordan_nicole_funk

©Gabriela Baginski, Theatre Bizarre, Detroit, MI. @gabbyshootsfilm

@Nathan Garcia, Untitled, ApacheJunction, AZ. @_n_n_artworks_

©Gerasimos Platanas, Self Portrait, Corfu. @gerasimos_platanas

©Randy Calderone, Ghost Train, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

©Elio Theodor Godmann, horse spirit, Wiesbaden, Germany. @eliotheodor

©Reese Frances, Ghost in the Window Bannack, MT. @reese._.frances

@Giorgia De Bortoli, Night Walk, Piave River. @giorgiadebortoli_

©Donna Gordon, Ghost in the Trees, Concord, MA. @donnagordon8994

©Natalie Goulet, revisiting old ghosts, Iceland.

©Haley Cooper, The Apparition, Boston, MA. @photosby.haley

©Hannah Toepp, Spirits, Bloomington, IN. @hft_photography99

©Hugo Zelada, Soft Spirit, Chicago, IL. @foto_graphia_hugo

©Iris Grimm, 230715, Westport, MA. @grimmbooks

©Iryna Semko, Monster, Kyiv, Ukraine. @semko_iryna

©Izabela Nowak, particles of existence, Banica, Poland. @anywhereatall

©Jaina Cipriano, I Can Stay, Lexington, MA. @jainastudio

©Jasmine Swisher, Lavender, Portland, OR.

©Jason Freeman, Pre-Mortem5, Camden, ME. @jason_r_freeman

©Jennifer Carpinteyro, Escaping, Philadelphia, PA. @jen_c8

©Jennylyn Pawelski, Halloween in Oregon Hill, Richmond, VA. @pawelskiphoto

©Jessie Curneal, Perishable, Brooklyn, NY. @jessiejiyung

©Xinyu Liu, Jesus is Lord, Syracuse, NY. @the_other_sea

©Jillian Abir MacMaster, Orchard, Jefferson, MD. @jillianabirmacmaster

©Jocelyn Flores, Don’t Axe Questions, Miami, FL.

©Jamie Johnson, Conjuring Demons, Los Angeles, CA. @jamiejohnsonphotography

©Joseph Maxwell, Beyond the Door, Malden, MA. @josephmaxwellphotography

©Juan Rodríguez Morales, Untitled, Fuenlabrada, Spain. @juanrodriguezmoralesphoto

©Juliette Doan, Ghost Portrait, Corona, CA. @jdoanphoto

©Katherine Palmer, Mermaid, Toyama, Japan. @k_palmer22

©Kathryn Rodrigues, The Witching Hour #4, Chicago, IL. @kathryn.rodrigues

©Keavy Handley-Byrne, Hotel Window (Apparition), New York, NY. @keavyhandleybyrne

©Scott Keidong, the apparition’s hand, Troy, NY.

©Kelly Adams & Tim Hawkins, Echoes in Descent, Governor’s Island, New York, NY. @landscapebiography @timtravershawkins

©Kelly Ann Mitchell, Regrets, Ventura, CA. @tilted.frame

©Kym Ghee, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Elizabeth, WV. @kym_ghee

©Lacra Grozavescu, Psyche, Bucharest, RO. @lacra.grozavescu

©Laura Ayres, Riverview, Vancouver, BC. @lauraayresphoto

©Sara Markese, Madhouse, New Hope, PA, @tiny_havens, @saramarkese

©Lewis James, Wandering Spirit, Pratt Institute Library. @LewisJamesPhotography

©Savannah Greene, Light of a Lost Soul, Milledgeville, GA.

©Lingxue Hao, Temporary Home, Pasadena, CA. @luna___hao

©Lisa Murray, A ghostly presence on the trail, Melbourne, Australia. @lisamurrayphotos

©Charles Muir Lovell, All Eyes on Gaza Mural, Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans. @charleslovellart

©Lynne Breitfeller, Bridge Crossing, Frenchtown, NJ. @lynnebreitfellerphoto

©Kate Tran, Magic Trick, Austin, TX. @makomakt.raf

©Adrienne Villar, Manifesting, Brazos Bend, TX. @villarphoto

©Mari Saxon, Nimueh, Shrewsbury, MA.

©Marie Dreezen, Tree house, Provence, France. @mariedreezen

©Maryna Shtanko, Undefined Suspect, Berlin. @marynashtanko

©Maureen Bond, Christine, Mojave Desert, CA. @maureenbond

©Ashley McElroy, Ghost Ride, Savannah, GA. @ashleymcelroy_

©Mikayla Shuster, Chris, Sycamore, IL. @mikayla.shuster

©Miyuki Okuyaha, After Dark, Arnhem, the Netherlands.

©Moein Bahrami, Untitled, Kermanshah, Iran. @moeinbahramii

©Monica Church, Brotherly Love, Anegada, British Virgin Islands. @monicadchurch

©Myrtie Cope, Wedding Day, Atlanta, GA. @mcopephoto

©Nadine Levin, They are Coming for Us, Maui, Hawaii. @nlevin68.

©Natalia L Rudychev, River Walk, Le Mans, France. @nataliarudychev

©Nikolas Tsantekidis, Something Strange Is Happening in the Woods, Athens,GR. @nikolastsantekidis

©Nora Benjamin, Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, GA. @nxravisuals

©Oksana Bochina, Whispers Among the Stones, York, UK. @oksana_bochina

©Poul Lange, Pigeon Ghost of the Bendix, @poullange

©Prescott Moore Lassman, Black Mask, Cork, Ireland. @lassman_lenswork

©Raymundo Lagresta, Running from the fire, Chubut Argentina. @raymundolagresta

©Kathryn Reichert, 3:39 am, Fairbanks, AK. @ksreichert

©Riley Goodman, Fair Well ‘Til I See You, Richmond, Virginia. @rileycgoodman

©Russ Rowland, Echo Chamber, New York, NY. @russrowland

©Samantha Yancey, Daddy’s Bonfire, Leesburg, Mississippi. @yanceyphoto

©Sara Kurz, Ghost Bench, Barry University Fine Arts Quad. @s.d.kard

©Sarah Martin, The First Girl, Stratford, ON, Canada. @sarahemartinart

©Anthony Korotko Hatch, Self Portrat as Ghost, Los Angeles CA. @ConcreteTurtle

©Sharon Harris, Head In Hands, NJ. @sharonharrispinholephotography

©Sharon Johnson-Tennant, Revisiting, Normandy, France. @Sjohnsontennant

©Shawna Gibbs, Me and My Totoro, Claremont, NH. @shawnagibbs

©Sierra R. Aguilar, Remnants, Ann Arbor, MI. @seastatic

©Jerry H. Slough, Contemplation, Los Angeles. @jhslough

©Sophia Hadeshian, Behind the Curtain of Dusk, San Francisco, CA. @sophichia

©Stefanos Chronis, The Shining, Nisyros island. @stefanos.chronis

©Stephanie Williamson, Quaker Doll, Nantucket, MA. @niniphoto

©Susan DiPronio, They Rise, Philadelphia, PA. @susandipronio

©Susan Moffat, Ghost of Ram Marveling with a Comet, Falmouth, MA. @susanmoffatphotography

©Stephen Walker, ghost tree, Pebble Beach, CA. @walkartworld

©Tracey Suba, Ghost of Summers Past, Ontario, Canada. @traceysuba

©Alyssa Delmore, Caution, Philadelphia, PA. @lyssdelmore

©Marcia Poloski, Untitled, Maryland. @mepoloski

©Ashley Ann Vaughan, Specter Spectacle, Moss Landing, CA. @ashleyvaughanphotography

©Antonio Pellicano, Metamorphosis, Reggio Calabria, IT. @antonio_pellicano_yourshot

©Victoria Manning, I am waiting and watching for you, Newburgh, NY. @victoria.m.manning

©Victoria Fulloni, The dissolution of Lucrecia (La disolución de Lucrecia), Laguna El Rosario (Buenos Aires Province, Argentine). @subrepticia_

©Viktorsha Uliyanova, The Remainder, Moscow, Russia. @viktorshaa

©Virginia Hines, Alcatraz, Alcatraz Island, CA. @vhines_photos

©Leni Smoragdova, Ghost in the Curtain, Tbilisi, Georgia. @smoragdova

©Weronika Wozniak, Ghost, Akaba, Jordan. @weronikawozniak__

Will Henry, In Passing, Tuscaloosa, AL. @willyum.tiff

©Alice Christine Walker, Trinity, Chicago, IL. @roamingwithmyrollei

©Zahra Babaei, I Invisible, Rochester, NY. @zeebabei
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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