Fine Art Photography Daily

The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2

Surfers leave Venice beach at the end of the day on Friday.

©Amy Gaskin, Sunset Surfers, Venice Beach Los Angeles, CA. @amygaskinphoto

BONNIEBLAKE - Bonnie Blake

©Bonnie Blake, Golden Girl, Malibu,

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH

©Federica Armstrong, Sun – Party, Los Angeles, CA. @federicaarmstrong

DougMcNamee - Doug Mc

© Doug McNamee, Socially Distant, Venice Beach, @dmcstudiola

DSCF0221 - Evan Cambridge

© Evan Cambridge, Drifting Beyond the Shore, Los Angeles, CA, @7.e.v.a.n,

Yinggan Xu - Yinggan XU

©Yinggan Xu, Typical Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA. @dinosaur.aesthetic

Amaya_Bailey - Amaya Bailey

©Amaya Bailey, Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles, CA. @ajb_passion

Paula Correa_LA_Beach - Paula C.

©Paula C., Beach , Santa Monica, CA, @paulac.photographs

Ice Cream Beach - Edmund Lloyd

©Edmund Dale Lloyd, Ice Cream Beach, Los Angeles, CA. @edmundlloydphoto

980x1470x2 - Cassie McCoy

©Cassie McCoy, Long Day, Santa Monica, CA, @churbumgirl

YuliaMorris-3 - Yulia Morris

©Yulia Tregub Morris, Jogging, Santa Monica, CA

Jill_Van_Hoogenstyn_Lenscratch - Jill Van Hoogenstyn

©Jill Van Hoogenstyn, Beauty on the Edge, Santa Monica, CA @jvhlens

Medford_DeForest - Medford DeForest

©Medford DeForest, Brothers, Los Angeles, CA, @deforest.medford

Amy-Oliver-Girl-in-Water (1)

©Amy Oliver, Girl in Water, Glassell Park Pool, @amyoliverphoto

Jody_Servon_Malibu_2023 - jody servon

©Jody Servon, Treasure Seeker, El Matador State Beach, Malibu, Los Angeles, CA @jodyservonstudio

©2025-George-Nobechi-LA-For-Lenscratch-1 - George Nobechi

©2017 George Nobechi, Fog at Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA, @georgenobechi

MG Vander Elst

©MG Vander Elst, Tagged Horizons, Venice Beach, CA. @mgvanderelst_images

CatherineHawthornVeniceBeach@hawthornphotography - Catherine Hawthorn

©Catherine Hawthorn, Venice Beach, @hawthornphtography

Marcy Tilton - Marcy Tilton

©Marcy Tilton, Sunday Morning Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA @marcytiltonphotos

Chris Walker - Chris Walker

©Chris Walker, In Venice, Los Angeles, CA. @walkerpix

Lisa_McCarty_LA - Lisa McCarty

©Lisa McCarty, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA. @insta.lisa.mccarty

CorinneCobabe_Venice_60 - Corinne Cobabe Rushing

©Corinne Cobabe, The Watch, Venice Beach, CA @corinnecobabe

NancyFarese - Nancy Farese

©Nancy Farese, Play!, Los Angeles, CA, @nancyfarese

MaxHuang - Maxwell Huang

©Max Huang, Sunset Surf, Venice Beach, CA, @maxhuangphoto

Tyler Simnick LA - Tyler Simnick

© Tyler Simnick, Triangles, Venice Beach, CA, @tylersimnick

DariaHuxley01 - Alice Wonder

©Daria Huxley, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA. @dariahuxley,

Danielle_L_Goldstein - Danielle

©Danielle L Goldstein, Skateboarding in Venice, Venice Beach, CA, @dgold911

ZoranMilosavljevic - Zoran Milosavljevic

©Zoran Milosavljevic, Bicyclists, Los Angeles @zoranmphotography

CJ_Benninger_LA - CJ Benninger

© CJ Benninger, Sunset Palms, Los Angeles, CA. @cj_benninger

Santa Monica Sunset

©Sheri Lynn Behr, “Palm Trees, Santa Monica”, Santa Monica, CA, @slbehr

FELI000-005 2 - felicity zhang

©Felicity Zhang, Sunset Blues, Los Angeles, CA, @felicityzhangphotography

IMG_2556 - Lara Jayne Luzano

© Lara Jayne Luzano, Untitled (Double Exposure at Santa Monica Pier), Los Angeles, CA., @returnmetoheaven

Jared_Fortunato-1 - Jared Fortunato

©Jared Fortunato, Sunset, Los Angeles, CA. @jaredfortunato

KatieDelaVaughn - Katie DelaVaughn

©Katie DelaVaughn, LA Light, Santa Monica, @katiedelavaughn

kevin-hoth - Kevin Hoth

©Kevin Hoth, Sculptor by the Seashore, Los Angeles, CA. @kevinhoth

kenneth-wajda - Kenneth Wajda

©Kenneth Wajda, Tight Embrace, Venice Beach CA., @kennethwajdaphotographer

Alexandra Timofeeva - Александра Тимофеева

©Alexandra Timofeeva, Bard, Russian Federation, Krasnodar. @alek_sa_com

VeniceBeach_BrookeBartletta - Brooke Bartletta

©Brooke Bartletta, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA. @brookebartletta

Donna_Gordon_LATodder_VeniceBeach - Donna Gordon

©Donna Gordon, LA Toddler, Venice Beach, Los Angeles,CA.@donnagordon

©Leafy Yun Ye, Untitled, Malibu, Los Angeles, CA. @leafy.yeh,

©Leafy Yun Ye, Untitled, Malibu, Los Angeles, CA. @leafy.yeh

Tessa_Dillman - Tessa Belle

©Tessa Belle Dillman, The Palisades, Days Before the Fire, Pacific Palisades, @tigglywinkler

inbound7493742781336957950 - Anthony White

©Anthony White, Long Beach Before a Storm, Long Beach, CA, @mastersylvan

Jennifer_Pritchard_I LOVE LA - Jennifer Pritchard

©Jennifer Pritchard, Flying By, Santa Monica, LA, CA @jenniferpritchardstudio

Susan M Gordon_Back on the Beach - Susan Gordon

©Susan M Gordon, Back on the Beach, Santa Monica, CA. @susansyllveah

Evan-Bates-Ihopeyoufindwhatyou'relookingfor-01-3 - Evan Bates

©Evan Bates, Raquel watching the Harris v Trump debate, Los Angeles, @catkiller___

Marie-José Durquet

©Marie-José Durquet, At the Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA

Sequences-and-Sensitivity_JuliaButeux - Julia Buteux

© Julia Buteux, Sequences and Sensitivity, Los Angeles, CA. @jabuteuxphotography

Holly_Hazen - Holly Hazen

© Holly Hazen, The Getty, Los Angeles, CA, @hhazenphotography

©Diane MacDonald, Pillars of Strength, Getty Villa, Los Angeles, CA - Diane MacDonald

©Diane MacDonald, Pillars of Strength, Getty Villa, Los Angeles, CA

Soto_Arturo_01 - Arturo Soto

©Arturo Soto, Untitled (Bonaventure Hotel), Los Angeles, CA. @arturosotophoto

Yvette Meltzer LA Public Library

©Yvette Meltzer, LA Public Library, Los Angeles, CA. @yvettemaxine


©Joel Rhymer, Once in a Lullaby, Hollywood, CA. @joel_rhymer

Browse the entire I LOVE L.A. Exhibition
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.

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