2012 LENSCRATCH Animals Exhibition
Needless to say, we all love our animals, and this exhibition is evidence of what they mean to our lives. Thank you to all who have submitted to this call–you’ve given us insightful and delicious images to enjoy. Don’t forget about the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day call for submissions…a great way to celebrate those in your life who have meaning — old family photos are fine too!
The 2012 Lenscratch ANIMALS Exhibition
Bootsy Holler, The Egg, Los Angeles, CA
Angela Bacon-Kidwell, Frog Day, 2011, Wichita Falls, Texas
Carrie McCarthy, Gorilla Blues, Albuquerque Zoo, NM
Shawn Gust, Floating Deer, Fernan, Idaho
Sally DeFord, Surprise Rooster, Grand Junction, Colorado
Gina Kelly, Wicket, Burnsville, Minnesota
Santiago Vanegas, Iceland #354, Iceland
Zach Lynch, Sonia, Greenfield Center, NY
Janella Mele, Mya, Byfield, MA
Meg Birnbaum, Roslindale, MA
Cynthia Wood, Oh sweet bird of youth, South San Francisco, CA
Malina Chavez, Together Forever, Nashville Zoo, Nashville, TN
Lori Bell, Dog with red mittens, Greenwich Village New York City
Dan Gerber, ps:009 (playscapes), Stillwater, MN
Marc Ward, At The Beach, various TN & FL locations
Christa Blackwood, Schlomo & Mister Softee, Austin, Texas
Karen Carson, Street Kitties, San Francisco, CA
Vicki Hunt, Sister-Girls, Prattville, AL
Sean Pietzsch, Untitled, Panama City, FL
Yvette Meltzer, Medusa (Sea Jelly), Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL
Brian Van de Wetering, Off Leash, San Diego, CA
Kay Larkin, Watch Out, Portland, OR
Patricia A. Bender, Oed’s Tail, Somerset, NJ
Margot Wood, Buffalos In The Mist, Yellowstone National Park
Dianne Duenzl, Shearing Day, Santa Fe, NM
Sarah Lokenvitz, Lick in Time, Charles City, IA
Ben Barnes, Black Cat, New Orleans, LA
Bronwen Hyde, fur from flesh, Hospitalfield, Arbroath, Scotland
Jo Ann Chaus, Dogs on Patrol, Wellington, FL
Kristin Zabawa, Symbiosis, Deer Island, OR
Jamie Johnson, The Monkey and the Monk, Katmandu, Nepal 2012
Mary Jo Hoffman, found in my backyard in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Alicia Goodwin, Mi Hijo, Akumal Pueblo, Mexico
Lisa Bevis, Red Dog Black Dog, Monterrey, CA
Claire Mallett, Flamingos, Los Angeles, CA
Ivan Urate, Like Animal, Alava, Spain
Cat Gwynn, SIT, from Dharma Punx/ Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, Los Angeles, CA
Emma Powell, Dusk, Ames, IA
Ray Carns, Bison, Grand Teton National Park, WY
Carol Watson, Silly Llama, Johnson City, TX
Garry Loughlin, Untitled, Siena, Italy
Deb Schwedhelm, Hairy Escape, Tampa, FL
Alessandra Tecla Gerevini, The skull, Garnett, SC
James Luckett, Suginami 11, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan
Dennis Stewart, Gidget, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lacey Terrell, from The Passing Ring series, on the road with the Culpepper & Merriweather Great Combined Circus
Paris Visone, Tigger mad at Bella, Peabody, MA
Mary Ann Lynch, Homemade Sausages, Brooklyn NY 2011
Asia Kepka, Theater Bear, Berkshires, NY
Alice M Waraxa, This is Too High, Milwaukee, Wi
Deena Feinberg, Bunny, Columbia County Fair, NY
Sarah Malakoff, Untitled Interior (fur wall), Boston, MA
Carl Bowden, Elk in RMNP,, Rocky Mtn. Ntl. park 2009
Patrick Cobb, Untitled, Minneapolis, MN
Kat Kiernan, Untitled, Boston, MA
Mark Page, Dalmation, Manchester UK
Pamela Zilly, The Horse Before the Cart, Antigua, Guatemala
Tori Ashton Quemada, Brutus, Austin, TX
Sara Fields, Nevermore, Austin, TX
Randy Karg, A Face Only a Mother Could Love, Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Mound City MO
Panos Lambrou, Red Iguana, Cozumel
María Beatriz Núñez, Smile, Monterrey, CA
Ryan Hoffman, Trout, Bear Canyon Lake, Arizona
Suzi Livingstone, Fawn, Alexandra Palace, London
Lori Pond, Lakshmi’s Feet, Pondicherry, India
Lisa Blair, Roosi, Santa Fe, NM
Martín Batallés, untitled, Arequita, Uruguay
Gabriela Costoya, untitled, Punta del Este, Uruguay
Alan Leder, Heels and Hooves, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico
Frank Biringer, 11san10-5547, Stord, Norway
Carol S. Dass, The Albany, Colorado Springs, CO
Erin Malone, Modernist Cats, San Francisco, CA
Robert Welsh, Mendo and Cissy, San Francisco, CA
William Dunn, Taxidermistry, Kremmling, CO
Laurie McCormick, Frenzy, Alaska
I-Hsuen Chen, Untitled, from the series Nowhere in Taiwan, Taiwan
Lindsay Blatt, Icelandic Horse, Iceland
Winky Lewis, #1 from the series, “Shy Dinosaurs”, Portland, ME
Susan Barnett, The Elephant, Venice Beach, CA, 2010
David Severn, Dogs and their owners playing in the snow, Pleasley Pit Nature Reserve, former Pleasley Colliery (Derbyshire, UK)
Cynthia Bittenfield, Dog and Sandals, Oaxaca, Mexico
Anne Arden McDonald, Natural History Museum, NYC
Ellen Toby Slotnick, Brown Lemur (Eulemur Fulvus), Andisabe, Madagascar
Nelson Armour, Under the Tree, Amboseli National Park, Kenya
Harvey Hanig, aardvaark, Brookfiled Zoo, Riverside IL
Anne Berry, Hippopotamus, New Delhi, India, 2011
Monica Denevan, Mythical Lions, Burma
Ellen Rosen, Butterflies, San Francisco, CA
Rana Nicole Young, Seagull Eating French Fries, Seaside, OR
Bea Fresno, Untitled from the project “Santa Teresa”, Durazno, Uruguay
Robert Norbury, Doberman and Friends, Mill Moor Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, England
Terri Gold, Racing with the Wind, Wyoming
Emma Kisiel, Dead Dog Off Highway 160, Outside Tuba City, AZ, on the Navajo Nation
Nataly Rader, Pig, San Diego Sea World
John Goldsmith, Visitors, New Westminster, Canada
Rachel Broad, Eye To Eye, Crowborough, East Sussex, England
Jim Robertson, Have You Seen Me?, Lexington, KY
Consuelo Mendez, Dreamlike lizard, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Joanne Coates, Pretense, Evil Gallery, East London, U.K
James Campbell, Patience, Silver Spring, Maryland
Andi Schreiber, Pet, Scarsdale, NY
Michele Wambaugh, Found in Patricia’s Garden Houston, Texas
Gina Randazzo, Jaipur, Jaipur, India
Linda Alterwitz, Prize, Las Vegas, Nevada
Valery Rizzo, Twins, Park Slope, Brooklyn, 2009
Mark Mason, Natural History #1, Milan, Italy
Matt Ebbers, Polar Bear, St. Paul MN
Emily Amesbury, Lola, Bristol, United Kingdom
© James Friedman, from Self-Portrait with Jewish Nose Wandering in a Gentile World, Toledo, Ohio
Rosie Knightley, We Need Coats, Worthing, West Sussex, UK
Mary Defer, Hooves, Garrettsville, OH
Cheryl A Townsend, Pet Me, New Orleans, LA
Donna Rosser, Dog Times Two, the bedroom
Francesc Solloway, Tiger in the Wild, Hampshire – England
Zoran Milosavljevic, Cat Vancouver, Vancouver Canada
Adriana Bonifasi, Str(ap)ped Inside, Guatemala City, Guatemala
Elaine Minionis, Those who stayed., from series: “Our Neighbors”, El Hatillo, Caracas/Venezuela
Bucky Miller, From Today’s Special, Great Barrington, MA
Shawna Gibbs, Easter Bunny, Claremont, NH
Brian Faini, Untitled, Penland, NC
Grant Gill, Bad Morning, Milwaukee, WI
Julia Kozerski, Shadow, Milwaukee, WI
Fran Forman, Wolf, Cambridge, MA
Dominic Rouse, The Gathering, UK, Argentina, Thailand,
Angela Cappetta, Arabian Horse, Peterborough, NH 2000
Oliver Pauk, Parkdale Polar Bear, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lane Shull, Fig. 15: Unicorn. c.1997, Columbia, SC
William Richards, Untitled, Hampshire, England
Craig J. Barber, Harvest, Woodstock, NY
Rhonda Prince, Winky, Rossville, GA
Faustinus Deraet, Equus, Antwerp, Belgium
Valerie Patterson, Kona, Los Angeles, CA
Amelia Morris, White, Indianapolis, IN
David Simonton, Philadelphia Zoo, Philadelphia, PA
Shannon Rowland O’Connor, Lucy, Venice, CA
Anita Masterson Johnston, Captain and Toenails, Voyageur National Park, MN
Bryan Winter, Scared Bird, Brooklyn, NY
M. David Farrell, Jr., Henrietta, Carbondale, IL
Mary Anne Mitchell, Peek-a-boo, Atlanta, GA
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
TOP #20 Cyanotypes: BotanicalsMarch 15th, 2025
Amitis Motevalli at East Window GalleryMarch 7th, 2025
Beyond the Photograph: Crafting Effective Exhibition and Publication ProposalsFebruary 27th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. ExhibitionFebruary 14th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2February 14th, 2025