The 2013 Toy Camera Exhibition
There is something magical about toy camera imagery–it’s nostalgic, dream-like, sometimes evocative and sometimes hilarious. Thank you so much for your submissions, your insights through a plastic lens, and efforts. With appreciation to Sarah Stankey for her efforts in creating The 2013 Toy Camera Exhibition.

Daniel Grant, Curve, San Francisco, CA

Jamie Johnson, Storytime With Grandma, Beaconsfield, England

Heather Pyles, Swing, my backyard in Columbia, MO

Emily Porter, Peregrine, Milwaukee, WI

Mary Kocol, Salt Marsh, Maine

Jeff Blucher, Lake Washington Arboretum Waterfront Trail, Seattle, WA

Linda Alterwitz, Beach Tree, Santa Monica, CA

Vicki Hunt, Shakes, Redneck Riviera, AL

Gem Urdaneta, Cement Mixer + UFO House accidental double exposure, Sanzhi, Taiwan

Suzanne Goodwin, Where Love Grows, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ernie Button, Tired of Driving, Beidaihe China

Arthur Hand, Janette, Geneva, IL

Jordanna Kalman, untitled, Brighton, UK

Lena Kholkina, Tanya, Moscow, Russia

Lina Manousogiannaki, Cycles of Life, Athens, Greece

Sheri Lynn Behr, Hollywood Video, Los Angeles CA

Leslie Ford, Fiona’s World, Temagami, Ontario

Coleman Downing, Or The Way You Were, Fort Tilden, NY

Karen Carson, Voodoo Blues, New Orleans, LA

Stephanie Arnett, St Patrick’s Day (Girl Rant), South Boston, MA

Scott Keidong, Elvis is on the building, Cairo, NY

Maureen Bond, Emptiness, Leona Valley, CA

Jeff Evans, Corvette Breakout, Chicago, IL

J. M. Golding, To hold the meanings in my hands, northern California

Melissa Simser, Mitch, Saratoga Springs, NY

Carol S. Dass, BuddhaBar, SanFrancisco,CA

Lori Bell, Blue Dresses, Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Tracey N. Freeman, Ghost Dog, Coopers Mills, ME

Wiqan Ang, Swim, Seattle, WA

Aline Smithson, Owned by Stieglitz, New York, NY
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
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