Dad, Father, Poppa, Daddy.
To all those fathers, grandfathers, and men who help shaped who we are and who our children are,
here’s a little tip of the hat on your special day.
Robbie Kaye, Dancing with Dad, New York
From dancing on my father’s feet to dancing in 1967 at my brother’s Bar Mitzvah, and in 1976 at my sweet 16 and in 2009 at my brother’s son’s Bar Mitzvah…I will always remember how my father taught me to dance through life.
Heidi Kirkpatrick, Daddy, Springfield, Ohio
Leonard Correa, Honoring Thy Father, Sacramento, CA
This photo taken by me on May 9th, 2008 at the California Peace Officers Memorial ceremony in Sacramento, California. The children’s father, CHP Officer John Miller, died November 16, 2007 in a car crash while responding to a pursuit of a drunk driver. His son was 4 years old and daughter 2 years old at the time this photo was taken. Nine Officers died in the line of duty in Calfornia that year, seven of whom were fathers.
Emily Amesbury, Grandpa, Bristol, UK
Lydia Barnard, Martin Barnard, Dad, At Home, Brighton, UK
Donita Simpson, Safe, Detroit, Michigan
Brigitte Carnochan, Casualties of War, Worms, Germany 1947
The photo in the lower right hand corner was taken in 1942, as my German father was leaving to join the Africka Korps. He was captured by the Americans when Rommel surrendered and spent the rest of the war as an American POW.
Mary Defer, Dad, Hiram, Ohio
Aileen Reilly, A Father is Born, New York, NY
We were raised without much of a paternal example, but yet my brother, father of three boys, has shaped himself into a father any child would be lucky to have.
Nina Weinberg Doran, Dinner, Harrison, NY
Compassionate, full of integrity, mighty philanthropic, a teacher, a leader, a mentor, one of the greatest examples of how to live a life full of love, history, family, friends…opening ones arms to the world in all its frailties…
I love you Dad!
My dad was born into a family of fishermen. In 1960 he came to America for a better life, became a US Citizen, a self-taught Commercial Lobster Fisherman, married my mom and put 5 kids through college by catching lobsters off the coast of Palos Verdes. This photo was taken in the Philippines when he was 21 years old.
This photo is of my stepson Steve, an amazing father–and his son Jack on a boat ride on the Chesapeake Bay.
Joseph Verrastro, Dad, scanned photo 1958, Buffalo, NY
Sue Zwick (Photographer unknown), Dad At the Jersey Shore, Atlantic City New Jersey circa 1925
I recently discovered this image. How I wish I could ask Dad about his fashion statement swimsuit. I would really enjoy teasing him about it!
Suzanne M. Ryan, Jeans, Belen, Peru August 2011
(My one and only Favorite Son and one and only Favorite Grandchild) Because I did not not know my own Father very well, it is wonderful to watch my son as a Father!
Nataly Radar, Two Men I love so Much, My Son and Father, New York 2010
These days when I visit my father, I am amazed every time at the beginning about how small he has become compared to my memory. And it get´s harder everytime to say goodbye …
The camera of my father as a young man and the Veteran’s flag I received to honor the soldier he became.
These remnants I carry tell the first part of his story, the conclusion is now authored by me.
Annie Omens, Dad in His Shop, Emporia, KS
In his shop, my dad loves whiling away the hours sorting through his found treasures. And on days he feels like selling some of them, he’ll open the door and flip his sign to “OPEN FOR BUSINESS, Make an Offer”.
image taken at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, Westwood, CA (Memorial Day)
I never knew my grandfather, Reginald; He died before I was born. But I cherish the many books I have of his from his college days at Dartmouth back in 1927. Knowing he once held this book as a young man makes me feel close to him, as if we have our own special relationship that transcends time and place.
Many times I’ve been photographing people I never met before. The picture I’m sending to you is one of those moments where I’ve been walking on the street and saw the person I really wanted to photograph. This was a very special moment. I didn’t know that the gentlemen I want to take a portrait of was with his daughter. This appeared when I was just about to press the button and a little lady came across and stood next to her father. They both look very magical, mysterious and very together. She didn’t want his father to be alone even in that moment as you can see on the photograph.
both taken in Newark, NJ

My father’s hands holding the saved baby teeth of his children
Fatherhood taught me patience, understanding, and what a child can teach us if we truly share in their observations..
Randy Karg, My father Robert (Bob), Villisca, Iowa/Good Samaritan Society of Villisca
My father served in World War II in the Navy. He fought in Okinawa during the Kamikaze attacks and was injured during the conflict. All this at the age of 19 with a wife and new born child waiting for him when he returned.

My father is a motorcycle mechanic. Growing up we never shared a common bond. Now, despite how serious he looks, he loves to let me take his photo. It has brought us closer.
Alaina Dall, Dear Folks Everything OK, San Diego, CA
This is the only image our family has of my Dad working as a radio operator in the Merchant Marine, which he joined at age 17 after getting written permission from his father. Known as “Sparks” in the ship’s radio room, he communicated to other vessels and the outside world using Morse code. I created this collage in his honor prior to his death three years ago. It includes a post card he sent from Paris to his parents in New York in 1946. I am grateful for the sense of adventure he passed on to me through his stories and DNA.
The Biscuit Shop is a family business, here I portray the father with his two sons, whom all work together.
Some people have said I married my father. For me, I guess that says it all.
Joel Butler, In the Park, from the series, Nothings Changed, Everything’s Different, Kokomo, IN
Kristy Carpenter, Dad’s First Deer, Bronson, MI
My father was a great man, a gentleman and a scholar, and we miss him every day.
Cameron McIntyre, 10.00ft Father, John Muir Trail Sierra Nevada Mountains CA
Santiago Venegas, The Other Parent (from series, Considering Mortal), Sutro Baths in San Francisco, CA
Harvey Hanig, Saul Hanig Battery Park New Castle, DE ca 1968, New Castle Delaware
Thomas Kittel, Dad, c. 1978, Amityville, NY
Fabiano Busdraghi, Fedele, Pontremoli, Italy
Rachel Bellinsky, Dad and Lily, Las Vegas, NV
Joel Brown, Cyrus Brown in his backyard, Garden Grove, Ca
C. Gary Moyer, Me and my Dad, Pottstown PA –1964
This is the earliest picture I could find of me and my Dad. One of my favorites. Happy Fathers Day Dad.
Bernd Reinhardt, Dad with Two Beers, ca 1980, Germany,
photographer unknown
My Dad (Erich Reinhardt) died way too early at age 51, but he lived life to its fullest. He was one happy German, and this is how I like to remember him.
Bruce Myren, Dad pointing to his radiation targeting tattoo, Everett, MA
My Dad was very upset when I got my first and only tattoo, he could not understand why someone would mark their body on purpose. So when he had to get a tattoo for his radiation treatment I had to tease him a bit and make a picture. This was the last picture I took of him before he passed away in 2008.
Walter Plotnick, Dad At The Fair, New York
Jim McKinniss ,My Imagined Grandfather,San Diego CA
My grandfather died when I was only 5 and I have never seen a photo of him. This photo taken at a Steam Punk gathering represents one of the many ways that I have imagined him.
Dominique Leyva, Fishing, Pecos, New Mexico
Dad always gets us all out into the hills. All stress disappears along the river. We create good memories to the rhythm of the stream.
Sally DeFord, Eating by Dad, Grand Junction, Colorado
My kids love their dad. They cheer when he walks in the door from
work and they love sitting right next to him at dinner time.
Paul Conlan, E.R. Conlan, Miami, FL
My Father, E.R. “Gene” Conlan died 31 years ago in Miami, FL. He was born in Kansas City, MO and moved to Miami as a boy. This is a studio photo of him as a young man. I sill miss him.
Ann Mitchell, The Year He Met My Mother, New York, NY
Kurt Jordan, Dad At Church On Sunday, Los Angeles CA
Matilde Soligno, Dad on Christmas Day, Bologna (Italy) 2010, from the series Unfamiliar, 2012
Yvette Meltzer, I miss my Dad
Summer Vacation, 1959 in Michigan City, IN
I’ve held on to my Dad’s neckties, although not his preferred mode of dress, for 36 years now with the intent of doing an artistic project with them. At last – for this project – I took them out of the clothes bags where I’ve had them stored, to take some photos of them – the ties that bind me to my father who was the glue of our family. We lost so much when we lost him – his sense of humor, his easy-going understanding. The measure of my loss was the measure of my privilege.

This is my dad, Alan, shot at dusk on a cold but pleasant day in winter 2011 in the far north of Scotland. A short man – an identical twin – he has beaten cancer and I want him to be around for ever. Without him, I would not be a photographer or, I suspect, anywhere close to being the person I am. Thanks paw.
This photo is of my Dad. He and my mom adopted me when I was only
five months old, and he died when I was fifteen. It is startling to
realize I’ve been without him longer than I had him, yet this photo is
not all that remains; he remains in my heart and all the lessons that
he taught me when I was growing up still shape my life.
Debbie Poulin, Looking Forward, Winnetka, Illinois
My Father is wearing my scarf to ward off the chill of the dining room. My daughter is wearing her high school boyfriend’s ring.
My father’s daughter, my daughter’s mother. I feel their love and trust and enjoyment of being together every time I look at
this crappy scan from a mediocre shot from a small camera.
Radek Burda, Father, mother and I, Somewhere in mountain, Albania
My husband Achikam has always been a very loving and dedicated father, trying his best to provide an example for his children how to manage their lives in terms of their commitment, responsibility and accountability. He did well by our first born, Harel. They are both catching up with their respective responsibilities between breakfast and Harel’s Business School Graduation ceremony.
Diana Greene, Chicago Father and Son
©Sylvia de Swaan, Dusty with his son Duncan, 1979, Utica, NY
Dusty Miller was a poet and stay at home dad while his wife held the “day job.” I spent some weeks in the fall of 1979 photographing him with his two boys in the old Victorian house where they used to live. We lost touch with each over other years, but little Duncan must be about 34 years old, and perhaps a dad himself by now.
On a frigid February day, warmth and shelter is found in her Dad’s embrace
Hank Hauptmann, Tourist Dad vs. Jesus Guy, Boston, MA

After a year of being away from home while on deployment in the Navy, our family enjoyed a much-needed vacation together when he returned. During a long day of warm sunshine and amusement park over-stimulation, our two year old daughter was surely tuckered out because she fell asleep while waiting for/and during the train ride. I imagine how safe and content she must have felt while asleep in her daddy’s arms.
Marla Bane, Bob 7/29/24-5/6/12, New York Prime
Father’s Day 2011, Boca Raton, FL
Consuelo Mendez, Homage to my father in the mural Latinomamerica, SF, CA (1974)
I was shooting with a new to me Yashica Mat film camera which gives the allusion that I’m not really taking a photograph. My Dad had recently broken his wrist and my son was giving him some TLC. A moment of pure tenderness from both.
Deena Feinberg, Different Variation on the Same Theme, Banff, Canada & Fort Lauderdale, FL
Emily Krakoff, Hidden Father, Colorado Springs, CO
This body of work focuses on the places that are left unoccupied after someone passes away. While one is alive they become associated with certain locations in which their presence is recognized. However, after they pass away their existence is lost in these spots that they should be seen in. This body of work recreates their appearance and positions them back into these places.
Anne Fitzpatrick Call, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles, CA
(photo taken by Aline Smithson)
Always a smile on his face and a loving Irish heart, you are missed!
Aline Smithson, Dad showing off, somewhere in Arizona
Wish you were here so I could celebrate the most wonderful father in the world. Thanks for showing me that real men know how to love, to laugh, to cry, and wear an apron just as well as a cowboy hat. I love you, Dad.