©Lori Hillsberg NYC @raveninnyc
I am voting to make a difference in this country, because we are heading in the wrong direction. – Lori Hillsberg
In two days, America will be waiting for the results of their voting efforts. In this critical election and profound time in history, we thank the photographers included in today’s exhibition who share why they are voting. Please please please vote.

©Greg Miller, Rashida, poll inspector, Judson Park Senior Center, Precinct 1, 2012, Cleveland Heights IG: @gregmillerfoto

©Yorgos Efthymiadis, Every Vote Counts, Somerville, MA IG: @yorgosphoto

©Mary Kocol, VOTE Red White Blue and Green, Somerville, Massachusetts IG @marykocol
I’m voting for hope and healing for America and the environment. – Mary Kocol

© Diana Guerra, Enjoy Your Democracy, Brooklyn, NY @thehoodblog
To vote is a celebration. It is also a commitment to support members of our community who can’t participate due to a lack of documents. Vote for immigrants who are not less American, but can’t join this celebration of democracy. – Diana Guerra

©David Johnson, I voted today, I always have. Iowa City @davidjohnsonstudio

©Joy Bush, Public Service Announcement, Hamden, CT, IG: @joybushphotography

©Lauren Hare, Womanhood, Portland, Oregon @LaurenHare
I am voting for women’s rights, for the best in healthcare, equal pay and housing, women’s safety and protection in the courts from abusers, and for a truer, more accurate representation of age, size, color, ability, and gender in media, advertising and film. – Lauren Hare

©Kelly Ann Mitchell, Paved in Pink #4, Santa Barbara, CA
I vote for women’s rights. – Kelly Ann Mitchel

©Elif Sanem Karakoc, Liberty, Los Angeles, CA IG: @elifsanemkarakoc

©Nemo Rodriguez, Women’s March 10.17.20, San Francisco,, @nemorodriguezfoto

©Jordanna Kalman, vote, NY, USA IG @rabbitsparrow

©Luke Seward, Chuck Taylor All Stars, Willington, CT @lukefromlouisville
I am voting for a future that embraces new ideas. – Luke Seward

©Norm Diamond, Can This Nation Long Endure?, Dallas, TX Instagram: @norm_diamond
I am voting to restore the principles Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address – that all men are created equal and that we must now have a new birth of freedom. – Norm Diamond

©Karen Bullock, “When She Was Young (Hybrid image, created using photo paper: expired June 1920)”, Alabama 2020
I’m voting for change: for the planet, for science, for civil rights, and the list goes on, as I call to mind the women who struggled to gain the right to vote first in 1920 and then in 1965. – Karen Bullock

©Carolyn S. Knorr, For My Veterans, Middleton, Wisconsin @carolyn_s_knorr_photography
I vote for my veterans – Carolyn S. Knorr
I am voting for all the people who have had their right to vote either taken away or threatened. – Tyler Brantley

©Jay Tyrrell,7/2/2020,Blaine, WA, IG @tyrrell320

©Daryl-Ann Saunders, Tangle of Democracy #1, Mount Kisco, NY, IG: @DA_Saunders
Deflated and tangled American flags resonate – – they represent my deflated trust in the American government – – and I vote as it seems the best and only way to contribute to the untangling of our democracy for the future. – Daryl-Ann Saunders

©Analisa Goodmann, Under the flag, Albuquerque, New Mexico
I’m voting so that my parents can live in the American that they dream of for me. – Analisa Goodman

©Leslie Jean-Bart, Division, Coney Island, NY

©Natalie Obermaier My brother and his husband, Potomac Maryland IG @kobramaier
I am voting for Equal Rights in an ever changing landscape – Natalie Obermaier

©Patricia Sandler, Missing, Santa Monica, CA
I am voting to preserve democracy and return decency to our government. – Patricia Sandler

© Federica Armstrong, Vote, Palo Alto, CA IG:@federicaarmstrong
I choose to vote for an equal and just immigration system. – Federica Armstrong

©Mario Alcauter “Mi Osito” San Ysidro California, Right on the border to Tijuana ig:
This image is part of a larger series that speaks about immigration. Even though I am not able to vote, I choose this image because it reflects the important effects that voting will have on immigrants and their children. – Mario Alcauter

©Matt Harding, Police State, Los Angeles, CA @auburnartgallery

© Robert Schultz, Frederick Douglass in a hosta leaf, Salem, VA @robertschultzphoto
Inspired by leaders like Frederick Douglass, I’m voting because Black Lives Matter. – Robert Schultz

©Susan Rosenberg Jones, Rebecca in Chelsea, New York, NY @susanrosenbergjones
I am voting for my daughter’s future as a talented artist of color, a woman who is my pride and joy, so full of empathy and love for her fellow humans. – Susan Rosenberg Jones

©Anna Grevenitis, Tired Wynta-Amor, Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn, NY, @annagrevenitis
I am voting with the hope in a future with social and economic justice for all. -Anna Grevenitis

©Paul Matzner, Vote For Our Future, Milwaukee, WI
Vote For Our Future – Paul Matzner

©Elizabeth Bailey, Dappled, Los Angeles, CA IG: @elizabeth_bailey01

©Karen Osdieck, Watching the election news, New Lenox, IL IG @karenosdieckphoto

©OlgaMerrill, Beaming, Bowdoinham, ME @merrill.olga
I vote for the health and happy future of our kids and Planet. – Olga Merrill

© Caren Winnall, Newborn, Forest Hills, NY instagram @Caren Winnall
VOTE for the younger generation! – Caren Winnall

©Julia Vandenoever, Together, Missoula, MT @juliavandenoever

©Honey Lazar, Why I Vote, Pitea, Sweden, @honeylazar

©Kevin Lyle, Vote 2020 – 18467, Chicago IL, IG @klyle2006

©Yvette Meltzer, Walking on Eggshells, Evanston, IL, IG @yvettemaxine
I am voting for a government that offers us stability – where all are welcome and no one has to feel like they’re walking on eggshells each day. – Yvetter Meltzer

©Helen Maurene Cooper, Philadelphia, PA. My mother and my daughter from “People of the Pandemic”, ambrotype, 8x 10″, 2020. @cooperadooper
My mother has been voting for Republican Presidential candidates since 1980, this year she votes Biden/ Harris. She does it for her daughters and for her granddaughter, for their future.
– Helen Maurene Cooper

©Vicky Stromee, Vote, Tucson, AZ @vickystromeephotography

©GinaCosta, Our Future, Chicago, Il

©Kristianne Koch Riddle, Buoyed II, San Clemente, CA IG: @kristiannephotographs
I’m voting to support the dreamers and the doers, the thinkers and the helpers, and for a sustainable future. – Kristianne Koch Riddle

©Victor Filepp, VOTE, Washington, CT
The road ahead? If you vote. – Victor Filepp

©Diane Fenster, Save The Earth, Pacifica, CA @dianefenster

©Annie Omens, Draining the Swamp, Hair on Fire, San Diego, CA, @annieomens

©Rusty Joerin, Smoke Over Campbell River, near Campbell River BC
I’m voting for mitigating human caused climate change – Rusty Joerin

©Julie Fowells, Flare-up, Northern California IG @jfowells
Climate change is undeniable, period. – Julie Fowells

©S.T.White One Billion Birds Appleton, Maine 2020, Instagram:@shepherdess1
I am voting to save the planet. – S.T. White

©Nina Weinberg Doran, Peace, Santa Rosa, California, @ninaweinbergdoran
This photo is of the aftermath from one of the California Fires.. climate change and the lack of belief in it and the word PEACE on the cup is what i wish for all of us.. once we get donald trump out of office and bring back in focus all those issues we care about. – Nina Weinberg Doran

©Benjamin Dimmitt, Blue Run Still Life 2, Chassahowitzka N.W.R., FL @benjamin_dimmitt_photography

@Judy O’Dell Drought, Rockport, Maine @odelljudy
Climate change is my concern – Judy O’Dell

©Mark Pariani, Hurricane Irma, Jacksonville, FL
I am voting to help save our planet and to make sure climate change is taken seriously.
– Mark Pariani

©Kathryn Dunlevie, Charybdis, New Orleans, LA @kathryndunlevie
Voting to save wildlife and waterways. – Kathryn Dunlevie

©Bonnie Blake, Magic Hour at Point Mugu, Point Mugu, California,, @bonniesblake
I vote to support the international fight to stop climate change because I want our children and all future generations to enjoy the magic of our natural world. – Bonnie Blake

© Ed Grossman, Seeing 2020, Mattapoisett, MA
I vote for a vision of the future measured in decades, not days. – Ed Grossman

©Adrienne Villar, Civic Responsibility, Galveston, TX @villarphoto
The only way to effect change in a democracy is to exercise our civic responsibility… know the issues and VOTE! – Adrienne Villar

©Santiago Vanegas, LIN OLN MEMORI L, Washington D.C., , Instagram @santiagovanegasphotography

©Maureen Bond, No end in sight, Los Angeles, CA IG @maureenbond

© Jean Ross, Waiting in Line for Early Voting, Brooklyn, NY @jeanmross

©Joseph Maxwell, For the People We Love, Boston, MA, IG: @josephmaxwellphotography
Photographed at a climate strike, I am voting because I don’t want my son to grow up in a destroyed and uninhabitable world. – Joseph Maxwell

©Joan Benney, Marching on Washington 2017, Oakland , Ca @j_benney
For more Women in leadership, everywhere. – Joan Benny

©Brenda Moffitt, Stephon Clark, His Life Mattered, San Diego, CA , @brendamoffitt
It is our obligation to stand up to Trump and all who enable him. The easiest way to do that is to vote if you are eligible. Check your voter registration and make a plan to vote: – Brenda Moffitt

©Jan Arrigo, It Takes a Village, New Orleans, LA

©Ellen Friedlander Organize & Persist Los Angeles, CA @Ellen Friedlander

©Ana Elisa Fuentes, It’s in the Air, Santa Barbara, California, IG @aefotos/

©Danielle L Goldstein, Freedom of Expression, New York, NY, IG @dgold911
I am voting to preserve our democracy, which Is on the brink of eradication. – Danielle L Goldstein

©Joey Potter, Fight Like A Girl, Pensacola FL
Voting to end gender bias and discrimination, politically, economically, socially. – Joey Potter
I am voting for climate change and children, because they really are the same thing, aren’t they? – Deborah Saul

©Kimberlee Peterson, brokeN, Los Angeles, CA,

@Mara Zaslove, Rights, Los Angeles, CA @marazaslove4

©Larry Chait, Untitled, Chicago, IL @larrychaitphotoart

© Scott Keidong, Truth & Lies, Schenectady, NY
I am voting for a return to integrity. – Scott Keiddong

©Todd Stuart, Vote 2020, Women’s March NYC 2019, @toddastuart

©Diana Nicholette Jeon, Vote Biden-Harris 2020, Honolulu, HI, @diananicholettejeon

©Claude Peschel Dutombe, Donnie Baby and The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Bangkok/TH, IG: @dutombe

©Reuben Radding, Washington, D.C. 2017

©Jamie Riva, The Simple Truth, New York, NY IG: @j.s.riva

©Charles Muir Lovell, 2017, Trump Sandwich, Brooklyn, New York, @charleslovellart
I am voting for the positive change we desperately need in our countries leadership including the environment, racial healing, fighting the coronavirus, just immigration laws, and rebuilding the economy. – Charles Muir Lovell

©Maureen Haldeman, Dump Trump, Los Angeles, CA @maureenhaldemanphoto
I am voting the Biden/Harris ticket for the planet, and for the men, women, and children locked in cages at the border. – Gail Fischer

©Anthony Jones, UK, Keep Your Distance, @ajphotoinfo

©Karly Horenn, For Freedoms, Denver Colorado IG@karlyhorenn
Freedom for bodies. Laws for guns. Not the other way around. – Karly Horenn

©Stan Banos, Lies, Wash, DC

©John Blom, Seeing through the Lies, 2020, captured in Washington DC. And in Cincinnati Ohio IG @jblom1951

©Susan Goldstein, 100 Day Countdown to The Election: Moving from Darkness to Light, Denver, CO #susangoldsteinstudio
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
The I LOVE L.A. ExhibitionFebruary 14th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2February 14th, 2025
Melissa Kreider: WorthyFebruary 10th, 2025
The Favorite Photograph You Took in 2024 ExhibitionJanuary 1st, 2025
The Lenscratch DINNER ExhibitionNovember 28th, 2024