David Maisel: Proving Ground
Proving Ground ©David Maisel
David Maisel’s monograph Proving Ground (published by Radius Books and co-published with Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art) investigates Dugway Proving Gro
Thesis Project: Tamrin Ingram
© Tamrin Ingram, Before the Leaving Swallowed them up, 2019
There is a poignant quietness and solitude to Tamrin Ingram’s work.
Thesis Project: Paula Lycan
© Paula Lycan, Elbo and Cedar, Grace in the Bath, 2019
What I love about looking at Paula Lycan‘s work is its ability to travel through time.
Thesis Project: Antonia Stoyanovich and Cassandra Klos
©Antonia Stoyanovich, Her Own Rodeo, 2018
The American South and the American West occupy places of mythic proportions in our collective imagination.
Thesis Project: Hannah Altman
©Hannah Altman, Shabbos Candles, 2018.
Hannah Altman’s work brings to mind collective identity and the intricate bonds we share within our chosen community.
Thesis Project: Phillipa Klaiber
©Phillipa Klaiber, Untitled #8 from the series Vorest, 2020
In my mind, the place described in Phillipa Klaiber‘s Vorest hovers somewhere between the realms of truth and fantasy.
Thesis Project: Leah Schretenthaler
© Leah Schretenthaler, Diamond Head from Kapiolani Park, 2020, Laser Etched Silver Gelatin Print
When looking at Leah Schretenthaler‘s work, what excited me the most was it’s
Thesis Project: Hugo Teixeira and Brandon Ng
©Hugo Teixeira, Chaparral A, April 2020
Anyone who’s done it will probably tell you that getting through graduate school is a challenge.
Gloria Baker Feinstein and Abbie Brandao: The Next Generation
Gloria Baker Feinstein almost three years old
Photographer Gloria Baker Feinstein considers the impact of her life-long photographic focus on her daughter, Abbie Brandao, who is now, also
Ashley Kauschinger: Cycles and Lensclass
©Ashley Kauschinger
Today, artist Allison Jarek interviews Ashley Kauschinger about two projects, one photographic: Cycles, and one educational: Lensclass.
Frazier King: The Collector’s Eye
©Pavel Baňka Ladder, 1986 from the Figuration series, Archival Pigment Print 12” x 14 ¾” Frazier King The Collector’s Eye – A Photographer’s View of His Contemporaries Publish
Laura Larson: Hidden Mother
Image courtesy of the Collection of Lee Marks and John C. DePrez, Jr.
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