LENSCRATCH Favorite Images of 2010 Exhibition
Happy New Year!
I’m starting off with a toast to health, happiness, and productivity…may 2011 be a fertile and creative year for us all! This is my favorite post of the year…I look forward to all the submissions and was thrilled that close to 400 photographers took the time to submit during the busy holiday season.
I’m always curious to see what resonates with individual image makers. Choosing a favorite image is an undoubtedly difficult decision. For some photographers, a favorite image might be something more personal and significant, like this one made by Ken Rosenthal and Lisa Robinson:
For others, it might be the most recent imagery, when the photograph feels fresh and new–this was evidenced by so many last minute submissions holding out hope for one last good shot–like this one by Ken Rosenthal and Lisa Robinson, as of yesterday (Harper Robinson Rosenthal 12-31-2010, 2:56 am. 7 lbs. 3 oz., 20″)…big congrats!
For me, it’s often about what’s in focus or what surprises show up in my negatives.
What I also find interesting about this post is that the images below range from photographers who will have their work showcased for the first time to significant photographers who have had museum exhibitions. It’s my thought that we are all on photographic journeys, some at the beginning of our learning curves, and some who have been at it for years, but ultimately we all share the same passion and why not bump up against each other once in awhile?
Thank you for sharing your favorite images–this blog post doesn’t do them justice, so feel free to click on an image to see it larger….and send a photographer a compliment if you like their work. Submit to future Lenscratch exhibitions and thank you for looking at your life and the world with curiosity and compassion.
Oliver Laude, In Pro Per, from the “A cricketer’s sneeze” series, Tracy, CA
Russell Joslin, Horizon, Minneapolis, MN
Kendall Messick, Untitled, from the Swann Song Project, New York, NY
Ruben Natal-San Miguel, Go on Girl, Cheer me up! 2010, Harlem NYC, NY
Dan Busta, 40 Day Flood, In Studio at The Forge, Los Angeles, CA
Ann Texter, The Sirens, Georgetown, TX
Elizabeth Opalenik, Attached Awakening, 2010, Oakland, CA
Susan Worsham, Thirteen, Richmond, VA
Selina Roman, Untitled (White), Tampa, FL
Susan Gray, Butterflies!, Beattie House (historic), Bennett Street, Greenville, SC
Deb Schwedhelm, Balloons, Lansing, Kansas
Mary Ellen Bartley, Summer Nights Walking, from Standing Open series, Wainscott, NY
Elizabeth Fleming, Play, Maplewood, NJ
Jefferson Hayman, Glass on the Edge of a Table, New York City, NY
Camden Hardy, Drift: Follow the Water, #8. July 2010, Tucson, AZ
Claire Mallett, Morning Constitutional, Los Angeles, CA
August Conwell, The Order of Things, New North Cemetary, Nantucket, MA
Rose-Lynn Fisher, Waggle Dancer, Hollywood, CA
Jonathan Blaustein, one dollar’s worth of duck egg from the farmer’s market, from The Value of a Dollar, Taos, NM, 2010.
Tammy Cromer-Campbell, Diane Wilson, Seadrift, TX
Andrey Bogush, Bluebell on River Bank, Imatra, Finland
Thomas Alleman, New York, 2010, New York, NY
Charlotte Oestervang, Retired homicide detective Louie Scarcella, Brooklyn, NY
Matt Kowal, Captives ; Lost in a heap near a window or why did he have to die like this or why don’t I take a nap and you try to act sad, Boston, MA
Allison Donnelly, Meet, Durham, NC
Joeri van Veen, untitled, Naarden, the Netherlands
Jordanna Kalman, Odile at Three Weeks, NY
Sarah Hadley, Margaret, 2010, Los Angeles, CA
Lisa Callamaro, Violet, Long Beach, CA
Shea Naer, The Quality of Mercy is Not Strain’d, Hollywood, CA
Lauren Henkin, Salt Spring, 2010, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
Charlie Grosso, Butcher, Walking Away, from Wok the Dog Series, Havana, Cuba
Tread, Time & Life Building smoke break, New York City, NY
Todd Sanchioni, Road worker, Highway 3, Laos 2010
Bastienne Schmidt, Egyptian Light, Cairo, Egypt
Betty Schlueter, two girls in fog, Chandler, AZ
Bill Vaccaro, Lightning Fireworks, Gary, IN
Brian Haberman, Birthing, Cheyenne,WY
Tim Anderson, Minnie and the Mask #5388, Albuquerque, NM
Ellen Jantzen, Pleading Innocence, Illinois
Thomas Wieland, Schlossplatz, Berlin, Germany
Akihito Yamamoto, a summer festival of the locals, Sapporo, Japan
Carmen Luceno, I See Horses in L.A.,Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA
Elodie Khavarani, Petite Parisienne, Champs-Elysées, Paris
Milos Spasovic, A New Beginning, Malmö, Sweden
Amanda Keller Konya, 24 Hour Child Care, Los Angeles, CA
Lydia Marcus, Coming or Going, Studio City, CA
A. Scott Britton, Polished Red Apple, Washington, DC
Tom Leininger, Lion, where?, Fort Worth, TX
Stephen Mallon, Splish, Atlantic Ocean
Kerry Mansfield, Beach No.07, from the series, Grounded, San Francisco, CA
Ashley West Leonard, Salamader, Los Angeles, CA
Lisa Boughter, Untitled, from the series Periphery, Haverford, PA
Anastasia Pottinger, With Blanket, from the series, Isaac, on the highway between OK and TX
Rick Lieder, Smoking Mouse, Detroit MI
Ajay Malghan, Postcard to Gustav, Tybee Island, GA
Mary Shannon Johnstone, Dog Plays While Man Is Down, 6/9/10, 104 Redgate, Backyard, Cary, NC
Polly Chandler, Lay Your Head Where My Heart Used To Be, Austin, TX
Philippe Spigolon, Take five, From the series inspired by ” Take five “ ( The Dave Brubeck Quartet –
1961 ) and made during a coffee break at the hospital where I work, Albi , France
Jamey Stillings, Abandoned Unbuilt Subdivision, Las Vegas, NV, December 14, 2010
Kati Mennett, Stranger, Sandwich, MA
Paolo Morales, Ed at Foley’s, Boston, MA
Scott B. Davis, Shed, Silver Lake, Silver Lake, CA
Ann Mitchell, Dayton Hwy Study #1, from the Ordinary Beauty series, Chico, CA
Rania Matar, Shannon 21, Boston 2010, from A Girl and her Room, Boston, MA
Lori Vrba, Rebecca’s Palm, Chapel Hill, NC
Michelle Marie Murphy, Resale USA, Cleveland, OH
Randy Magnus, Entertainer/Dancer for the Queen of Thailand’s Birthday Celebration 2010, Bangkok, Thailand
Sheila Arens, Cunha, Cunha, SP Brazil
Deborah Parkin, Catbells, Keswick, UK
Sara Jane Boyers, 747 Wing House Abstract, Malibu, CA
Susan Barnett, Stop Violence Against Women, from the series Not In Your Face, New York
Garry Loughlin, Eoin ’10, Dublin, Ireland
Sean Perry, Arabesque, Lincoln Center, New York City, NY
Rita Bernstein, Journey, Philadelphia, PA
Judy Gelles, China Doll (part of a series of 4th graders from around the world), Beijing, China
Kevin J. Miyazaki, pond, Nan Lian Garden, Hong Kong
Gordon Stettinius, George Jones & Ranger from Notes from U.S. Route 1 (A homeless vet and his therapy dog), Mims, Florida
Julie Bindas-Sanchez, Conjurer, Oak Ridge, NJ
Ron Resnick, Creosote Bush In Desert Wash , The Pinto Basin Wilderness, Joshua Tree National Park, CA , January 2010
Liz Lantz, Untitled, Immenstad am Bodensee, Germany
Angela Bacon-Kidwell, Awakening Yangzhou, Texas
Terri Gold, Ben, A Wyoming Cowboy, Shell, Wyoming
Carl Corey, 3108 – Mary P. McCarrier holding Grandfathers Picture, from For Love and Money,Globe House Furnishings – est 1888 – Closed 2010, Marinette, WI
Christopher Rauschenberg, Paris, 2010
Mike Peters, Gabrielle and Jon with Charlie McCarthy, Coney Island, NY
Pete Brook, Sticks. After Asger Carlsen, Tarapaya Thermal Pool, Potosi, Bolivia
Will Arnold, We Can Burn Our Foreclosed Homes in Effigy, Champaign, IL
Robert Norbury, Roundhay Park, Leeds, Yorkshire, England
Jan Koster, IJssel-delta, Netherlands
Walker Pickering, Motel Bien Venido, Alpine, TX
Mimi Haddon, Balloons, Los Angeles, CA
Erik van der Weijde, This is not my Wife, Natal, Brazil
Mark Berndt, Reflection, Los Angeles, CA
Dee Chaneva, My New House Has Stripes, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Erica Moffitt, Untitled, backyard, Northern NJ
Ernie Button, Pyramids, Shenzhen, China
Manuel Vazquez, Tony’s Tower, Royal Opera House, London
Jin Zhu, Spaceship (The Hunting Party), Southern Idaho
Paul Giguere, Little Sister, Big Brother, from the Faith de las Personas series, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Patrick Taberna, Cochem, Deutschland
Zac Wray, Mal du Pays, Stockton, CA
Laura Pickett Calfee, Seven Plums, Driftwood, TX
Bill Chapman, Moesia Davis, Rickwood Field, Birmingham, AL
Brooks Jensen, Propellers, Dakota Creek Industries, 2010, Anacortes, Washington
Thom Greifenstein, Last Drop, Little Rock, AK
Ray Carofano, Red Island#1, Salton Sea, CA
Tom Paiva, On the Welland Canal at Night, Canada
Ashly Stohl, Dog Day’s End, Venice, CA
Ahmer Inam, Confluence, Charlotte, NC
Erin Leydon (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Consume, Florence, Italy
John Bridges, Isolate, Arkansas
Pekka Nikrus (Helsinki, Finland), Bungalow 114, Chintakiri Resort, Koh Tao, Koh Tao, Thailand
Vicky Slater, Spitting Snow, England
Trevor Christensen, Chinatown, New York, NY
Andrew Phillips, Rock On!, Alexandria, VA
Judith Loniak, Competitor Cross-Tacks, San Pedro, CA
Jade Doskow, Pool, Poconos, PA
Ion Zupcu, January 7, 2020, from Painted Cubes, Hopewell Junction, NY
Monica L. Shulman, She’s Sitting Now, New York, NY
Daniel Ochoa, Sausages, Fenway Park, Boston, MA
Jason (Woei-Ping) Chen, Untitled, New York, NY
Wendy Marijnissen, Untitled, Karachi, Pakistan
Thouraya Battye, Amelie, Mortdale, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Michael Askew, Gate, Pasadena, CA
Gilda Davidian, Nate, Sierra Madre, CA
Anthony Korotko Hatch, Landscape 7906 (Landscape with Two Skies and Tiger), Los Angeles, CA
Andrew Wurster, The Walker, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Julian Ward, They left their disguises behind, Austin, TX
Dan Connolly, John, Rhode Island
Deborah Martin, Wonder Valley RV, Wonder Valley, CA
Gina Kelly, Mac, Minneapolis, MN
Douglas McCulloh, Untitled, Los Angeles, CA
Julie Meridian, Nautilus at Tide, Evanston, IL
Jack Radcliffe, Taz with Camper, Pikesville, MD
Sean Fader, You Probably Think this Song is About You, Chicago, IL
Grace Weston, Laundry Day (Mt. St. Helen), Portland, OR
Robbie Kaye, Yoshi, 85, Los Angeles, CA
Alexander Bagno, Sea Wind, Okhotsk Sea, near Magadan, Russia
Britney Anne Majure, Michael, from series Eisbaden Berlin, Orankesee, East Berlin
Antoine Blanchet, Mon échelle de vie, Saint Tropez, France
David Torrence, Skateboarders, St. Louis, MO
Martin Cox, Echo Park in Winter, Los Angeles, CA
Aaron Hobson, Goliath’s Smoke, Basement, Adirondacks, NY
Linda Plaisted, Clairvoyant, from the Masquerade series, Frederick, MD
Dana Curran, Exhale, Plymouth, MA
Alek Lindus, Fragile, Karlovassi, Samos, Greece
Jack Yu, Garden, Dallas, TX
Justin Spaull, She Consumes Me, Newcastle, Australia
Judy Hoffman, The Happy Wheel, Newland, NC
Deanna Dikeman, Colorado Star Ball, pink print with hands, 2010, Westminster, CO
Deborah Hamon, Jump, Iceland
Wayne Levin, Black Birds at Sunset, Northern Kentucky
Nancy Baron, Lee’s Gone, Liberace’s Palm Springs Estate, Los Angeles, California
Janet L. Pritchard, “Whiteout on Beartooth Pass in June”, from the series Views from Wonderland, vol. 1: the Visitors, Wyoming
Jean Miele, Untitled (December 2010), Lat: 26,36.76N / Lon: 80,2.03W
Deon Reynolds, Newark Ranch, Eureka, NV
Antone Dolezal, Abandoned Home, Oklahoma 2010, Texas County, Oklahoma
Jan von Holleben, Wintercolours, Berlin, Germany
Kate Pollard, Francisco, New Jersey
Martin Tsien, Circulation, New York, NY
Grant Hamilton, Bikini Atoll, Wellington, UT
Jess T. Dugan, Amiee in her piercing shop, Provincetown, MA
James Longmire, Eddie’s 24th, Austin TX
Shawn Robinson, Elaine, Los Angeles, CA
Michael Werner, Lands of Milk and Honey, Tiergarten Berlin , Berlin, Germany
Manjari Sharma, Anastasia, Matapoisette, New Enland
Lydia Panas, Calamari, Kutztown, PA
Julie Blackmon, Concert, Springfield, MO
Annewil Stroo, Passing By, Paris, France
Ashay Kshirsagar, Baa, Mumbai, India
Mark Indig, Broadway, Downtown LA, CA
Tom M. Johnson, Larry, Tintype, Lakewood, CA
Philip B. Bowser, Pink On Hay, Portland, OR
J Mauterer, Waiting in Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
Germán Herrera, The Embrace, 2010, Surface of earth
Mitch & Brittany, Out For Revenge, Loa Angeles, CA
Andi State, bye birds, Montreal, Canada
Neil Craver, Limits of Representation from the Omni-Phantasmic series, North Carolina
Katie Shapiro, Papa looking into the camera one month before he passed, Los Angeles, CA
Jeff McLane, Venice Blvd, 2010, Venice, CA
Svjetlana Tepavcevic, Griffin, April 2010, Palm Springs, CA
Blake Andrews, Oakland Garage, 2010, Oakland, CA
Jeff Dojillo, Joey and Nate , from the The Romance of Mourning series, Los Angeles, CA
Kirsten Hoving, Fallen Angel, Addison County Fair, VT
Ann Cutting, untitled, Pasadena, CA
Honey Lazar, Glamour, Hunting Valley, OH
Blue Mitchell, Dogwood (Self Portrait), Holga Wide Pinhole, Portland, OR
Bruce Barone, Portrait of Alice,West Springfield, Massachusetts
Diana Greene, Awake, Winston-Salem, N
Joelle Jensen, Nesting II, New York, NY
Claudia Kunin, What May Come, 3D anaglyphic image viewable with cyan/red glasses
Patricia Houghton Clarke, Schroderstrasse, 10, Mitte, Berlin
Jennifer Schlesinger-Hanson, Object Diaspora #27, Santa Fe, NM
Anne Berry, Nola (gorilla), Wuppertal, Germany
H Wesley Phillips, Polyphemus Moth, Greenville SC
Fred Deaton, Carousel Horse Adornment On A Childs Grave, Hebron Community of Marshall County, Alabama
Jane Fulton Alt, Burn No. 26, Evanston, IL
Taco Anema, The Board of LAGA, a student society for rowing at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Garret M. Clarke, Mother of the Chief , Sri Lanka
Ben Roberts, Road Trip to Philly, I-276 New Jersey Turnpike Extension, crossing the Delaware River
Heidi Lender, untitled, from the self-portrait series Green Dress, Garberville, CA
Margot Quan Knight, Joel 1979, Steubens, Seattle, WA
Cole Thompson, Monolith No. 10, Bandon, Or
Laura Parker, Mr. Cris, Pasadena, CA
Cath. An., La part de l’Ange…, France
Brian Faini, Untitled, Joshua Tree National Park, CA
Sherri Johnson, Sunset couple in Malibu, Malibu, CA
Douglas Stockdale, House Cleaning, from Ciociaria,Fiuggi, Italy
Martine Fougeron, L’Amour Fou:Tendresse, from the Tête-a-Tête Series, Domaine de l’Escalere, Pays Basque, France
Mark Mosinski, Las Vegas Sign, Las Vegas, NV
Kathleen Laraia McLaughlin, Harry Potter, Los Angeles CA
Aaron Brumbelow, Untitled, Savannah, GA
David Welch, Material Culture Totem, Savannah, GA
Amanda Sills, Re-un-insatiable-ize, Dallas, TX
Kip Praslowicz, Swing and a Miss, Minnesota, MN
Siri Kaur, Sister, Misty Fjords, AK
Valery Rizzo, Skateboarders, Midwood, Brooklyn, NY
Nate Larson + Marni Shindelman, Geolocation: Missing My Bloke, Nottingham, England
Jake Stangel, Justin, Lake Powell, UT
Keith Johnson, Mac Music, Boston, MA
Mitch Dobrowner, Bear’s Claw, Moorcroft, WY
Cara Boyer, Water Study, West Lebanon, IN
Joseph O. Holmes, West Nineteenth Street (Yellow Dress), New York, NY
Joni Sternbach, 10.02.18 #7 Ben, Malibu, CA
Tom Chambers, Caging The Songbird, Mexico
Timothy Archibald, Untitled, 2010, from the series “Outerspace”, Hercules, CA
Eric William Carroll, Speed of Dark #148, Peterborough, NH
Lane Collins, Color Wheel, Montezuma, Costa Rica
Liz Kuball, Untitled (Hollywood Hills), Los Angeles, CA
Frank Biringer, Me and Herr Juell, Stord, Norway
Andi Schreiber, Bar Mitzvah, Rye, NY
Eric Bickford, Rivets 3, NC
Kathryn Osgood, Olin & Greta, Vinalhaven, ME
Patricia Lay-Dorsey, Urban Innocent, Detroit, MI
Debbie Yates, Pictures of my Father, Halifax
Brian J. Morrison, Angry Midget, Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland
David Westrop, Cityscape #3, Ottawa, Canada
Sylvia de Swaan, Reflection in a Splintered Glass , River Road, Marcy, NY
Kelly Flynn, The Fall of Superman, Monster Jam – Las Vegas World Finals, NV
Doug McGoldrick, Lake forest busser, Lake Forest, IL
Bianca Dorso, Memorial Day, Vet’s Cemetery, West Los Angeles, CA
Ann Mansolino, untitled, Whittier, CA
Marika Dee, A new chapter in the history of Kosovo, Shar Mountains, Kosovo
Stan Keetley, Pink in Green woods, Knowlands Wood, Sussex, Uk
Sergey Novikov(Moscow, Russia), South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon, AZ
Stan Raucher, Alejandro, Oaxaca, Mexico
Zachary Bako, INFECTION: one world one dream, Beijing, China
Chandler Tyrrell, Structure, 4515, Charlotte, NC
Julie Barnofski, On the Island, Spoffard, NH
Juande Jiménez, Badmington, San Sebastian, Spain
Michael Sebastian, Swim practice, Prospect, KY
Claude Peschel Dutombe, Djemaa el Fna, Marrakesh, Morocco
Sam Verbulecz, 8:16 am, Twin Lake, Kent, OH
Keith Prue, Sad Letter Day, Boston, MA
Bernd Reinhardt, Venice Beach, Venice Beach, CA
Kurniadi Widodo, Untitled, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Serrah Russell, Clothesline, Seattle, WA
Guido Steenkamp, Demand, Berlin, Germany
Larry Torno, Dragonscape, St. Louis, MO
David Gardner, Singletree Waterfall, Boulder Mountain, UT
Danielle Rene’ Khoury, Tea Party, Fort Worth, Texas
Meg Birnbaum, Donna at home and as Alexanderia the Great the underwater escape artist from Person/Persona, Cambridge, MA
CJ Gordon, Stu, Skaha Lake B.C.
Gil Moore, “Sunflower; six weeks” from House Portraits Project 2008-ongoing, Manchester, England
Ken Rosenthal, Illuminated, Tucson, AZ
Michael Grace-Martin, Vacation, Laurens, NY
Warren Harold, Splash, Galveston, TX
Maria Lavender, Death Proof, Peoria, IL
Kate Sumpter, Red Wine, Kent State University, OH
Rami Daud, Friends on the Hill, Hill District, Pittsburgh, PA
Michael Kirchoff, Bridge Lamp and Distant Fortress, St. Petersburg, Russia
Christy Karpinski, Untitled, Stevensville, MI
Connie Conway, Deserted Space #3, Ft. Worden, Port Townsend, WA
Carolyn A. Hampton, Remnants of Childhood, Los Angeles, CA
Adam Neese, Untitled (Connector), Grapevine, TX
Suzanne Revy, Water Balloons, Carlisle, MA
Marcia Schulman Martin, Solitude, Poughkeepsie, NY
Christian Reister, Berlin 2010, Berlin, Germany
Dennis Baburov, Prisoner in a costume of Soviet soldier, Ivanovo, Russia
Richard Coda, Primordial 4187, Scottsdale, AZ
Luis Martins, untitled, Portugal
Evangelia Voutsaki, Traces Within, Lewes, East Sussex, England
Laurie McCormick, Treasured Letters, Brentwood, CA
Jim Robertson, Chaos Theory, Columbus, OH
Bob Curley 101 miles to Death Valley, Olancha, CA
Linda Alterwitz, Stem Cell Growth #1 (2010) from the series Discarded Dreams, Solitude, UT
Ron Cilizza, Evidence of summer, Hampton, NH
Russ Martin, Exotic White Dahlia, Poughkeepsie, NY
Jacqueline McCullough, Red Gun, South Shields, UK
RMontalban (alias Joanna Black), Captain America contemplating why freedom fries taste just like French fries, in the street, in the rain, Edinburgh, UK
Josh Separzadeh, Black Balloons, Santa Monica, CA
Jessica Todd Harper, Marshall (with Horse and Ball) , Rochester, NY
Dan Gerber, semaphore, from the cleanings effect of the sun, Osceloa, WI
Phillip Toledano, Launch, Florida
Doug Dubois, Ben in the sun, Cobh, Ireland
Kimberly Witham, Still Life with Red Squirrel and Chestnuts, High Bridge, NJ
Douglas Shaw, Savannah Marsh, Savannah, GA
Nick Scovelle, Glasses, NESOP studio bay
Olivia Carpenito, Dad, Billerica, MA
Cammie Toloui, Brooklyn Drugs, Portland, OR
Jim Brammer, Ballerina 531, San Diego, CA
Megan Snider, Romantic Decay, Memphis, TN
Danielle Kelly, The Parade, Coney Island, NY
Kevin McCollister, Brian (Venice Beach), Venice, CA
BJ + Richeille Formento, Lysandra from Circumstance, San Francisco, CA
Suzi Livingston, Sentinel, Highgate Cemetery, London
Eileen Keator, Clearing Sky, Phoenicia, NY
Erin McGuire, The Ride, Antelope Valley fair grounds, Lancaster,CA
Jane Paradise, San Francisco, from the Not Quite Strangers series, San Francisco, CA
Diana King, Kendra at the Carnival, Pomona, CA
Maura Brennan, Aztec Dancer, Hollywood, CA
Noelle Swan Gilbert, No More Photos Until After Lunch, from the as yet untitled documentary series about how murder affects a family, Santa Monica, CA
Gilbert Plantinga, Uncle Sam, Lake George, NY
Johannes Vaanderbildt, Couple, having a conversation in front of a coastguard vessel, Hamburg, Germany
Martin Herrera Soler, Chairs, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Douglas Winter-Number 5 Studio, jaune ruban, Sacramento, CA
Frances Jakubek, Jeanna’s, Firenze & Positano, Italy
Gerhard Clausing, Bubble Magic, Berlin, Germany
Robyn Tryloff, Maty, Downers Grove, IL
Mitch Kitter, Hunter and His Doe, Girdwood, AK
Rob Lomblad, Peas, Trivet & Pan, Brooklyn NY
Sharon Morgan Jenkins, What are they all looking at…?, Venice, CA
Sarah Pollman, Untitled (Concrete), Allston (Boston), MA
Alicia Gay, Mountains, Nashville, TN
Gary Moyer, Snow Cone, NJ State Fair
Arianna Sanesi, Watching the Atlantic Ocean, A Coruna, Spain
Jessica Somers, Nesting, Terryville, CT
Bridget Burke, Arson, Dearborn, MI
Linda Morrow, Kenzi & Robbie II,from the series Two Degrees of Attachment, Long Beach, CA
Robin Parmar, Myths of The New Forest: Detritus, Cratloe Woods, Ireland
Ray Carns, River Life: Untitled, Lake Havasu, AZ
Jay Gould, The Bull, Northern California
Kaity De Laura, The Moment at Which, New Jersey
Ross Rawlings, Charlotte, Prussia Cove, Cornwall, England
Celine Wu, Presence in Between PB-32, Japan
Greg Ruffing, May’s yard sale, from Yard Sales, Clinton, MI
Robert Ruteod, Conductor, Right Time Right Place series, Vienna, Austria
Yoichi Nagata, Star of the Stars_Hana, Tokyo, Japan
Bronwen Hyde, Adrift, Wombeyan Caves, New South Wales, Australia
Pieter Lessing, Untitled, Los Angeles, CA
Walt Jones, Fire Jelly, California
Renée Chartier, Untitled (Texting), San Diego, CA
Meg Madison, Asher in Roma, Family Vacation 2010, Rome, Italy
William C. Hutton Jr., Abandoned/108, St. Louis, MI
Clifford W. Gwinn, Confluence, Hinton, WV
Eleonora Ronconi, Dreamer, Santa Cruz, CA
Paris Visone, Peter in the Studio, Salem, MA
Ann Pallesen, Bernard, 2010, (Lith Print), Lakewood , CO
Gabriela Herman, Obama, 2010 Chilmark, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Sally Mars, Minneapolis, 2010, Minneapolis, MN
Brad Buckman, Tires, Nashville, AR
Julio M. Romero, Domesticated Nature II, Mexico City, Mexico
Sheila Newbery, R, Arms Crossed, Berkeley, CA
Verner Soler, Pia, from Visits to My Village, Vrin, Switzerland
Rebecca Sittler Schrock, Untitled (from “The Queen’s Shadow”), Long Beach, CA
Catharine Stebbins, Ramos Bros Circus, King City, CA
Jane S. Noel, The Morning After, Emmaus, PA
Karen Florek, Chinatown Tea Party, San Francisco, CA
Timothy Hyde, Vive Aristide, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Kurt Jordan, Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy
Kanai Aki, Pedestrian Bridge, Oi Cho, Japan
Zoe Perry-Wood, Jim and Paul at Drag Bingo, Provincetown, MA August 2010
Sheri Lynn Behr, 001-Chinatown, from the series NoSafeDistance, Chinatown, New York City, NY
Jacqueline Truong, Almond Rocca, Mi Piace, Pasadena, CA
Ben Madden, Mary at the Lake, Lake of the Isles, Minneapolis, MN
Rebecca Martinez, Miracle on Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA
Aline Smithson, Quincy, Los Angeles, CA
Happiest of New Years! Thank you for comments, submissions, and most of all, your friendships.
Posts on Lenscratch may not be reproduced without the permission of the Lenscratch staff and the photographer.
TOP #20 Cyanotypes: BotanicalsMarch 15th, 2025
Amitis Motevalli at East Window GalleryMarch 7th, 2025
Beyond the Photograph: Crafting Effective Exhibition and Publication ProposalsFebruary 27th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. ExhibitionFebruary 14th, 2025
The I LOVE L.A. Exhibition, Part 2February 14th, 2025